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I clench the ax in my hands it was my only weapon right now and It was on the verge of breaking, the thought of just letting the horde outside eat me crossed my mind but I shake the thought away and peek out the window, the horde was still going strong trying to break through the metal doors of the warehouse I was in. 'Well I'm shocked I lived this long'. I slide down the wall gripping the ax like a life line but I guess it was in this world your weapon is the most precious thing to you. After a while of sitting there debating what I could do to get away from this situation when I hear a big bang, the metal doors burst open, I cover my head shaking as I hold back tears. "Come on sugar tits I an't waiting all day!". My eyes snap open at the sound of a voice it didn't sound that nice or caring but fuck it, I look up and see a beaten to shit truck at rammed its way inside, I get up and run over hopping into the passenger seat, the driver doesn't say anything else just backs up running over some Chompers as he goes.

After a bit of driving down the big highway I couldn't stand the silence anymore. "Thank you....I'm {Y/n}". I nervously fiddle with the ax handle as I take side glances at him wondering if he was even going to answer after about three minutes I gave up and looked out the window at the passing scenery. "You probably aren't going to answer...but I'm all alone...are you?". I take another glance at him and of course no answer. "If you don't want to keep me around at least let me gather some stuff up as a thanks". No answer after a bit I sigh and bring one of my legs up to hold and rest my head on. "Your the first one to ever help me...most people don't see a fat girl as worth saving...thank you again". I close my eyes and start drifting off as he drives down the smooth road.


I woke up to stillness, I was shocked I didn't wake up when he stopped I look to the driver seat and see it empty. 'Knew it was too good to be true' Was my first thought, I go to open the door and get out but I see a sticky note on the window right in front of my face as soon as I turn my head.

'Stay in the car sugar tits I'm getting gas if ya wake up'. Was written in some not very clear hand writing but I was able to make it out, I sigh and look around through the windows, the truck was parked on the side of the highway I started wondering how long he had been gone and if he was even going to be able to find gas there was shockingly no nearby cars to take from and I had no idea if there was even a gas station nearby, I lean back in the seat and stare mindlessly out my window after about a half an hour I saw something in the distance, I look ahead and could make out it was the guy. He walks up to my window and I roll it down. "No fucking gas around we're going to have to walk sugar tits". I nod and open the door, I pull my ax along with me and watch as he grabs a few things from the truck.

We were walking and if I wasn't so use to the boredom already I would feel like smashing my head against a nearby tree for amusement, I kick a rock that was in front of me and it skips across the road. "You're welcome Merle yeah you're welcome" at first I thought it was just random gibberish from him but then I realize he was answering my questions from yesterday, I smile slightly.

"Well If I have to wait a day for a reply I better start asking more questions now". I joke with a slight laugh, I hear him scoff but I could tell he was amused. We walked until it started getting dark and still didn't come across anything useful, I sigh and stop walking. "I am not walking anymore we haven't even seen a chomper". I mutter and sit down on the road with a huff.

He looks down at me. "I an't carrying you sugar tits". I glare slightly.

"I have a name you know, why do you call me that?". He shrugs. "Is it because I'm fat?".

"No I call most girls that". I roll my eyes.

"Well I prefer cute nicknames like pumpkin or honeybun". He snorts.

"Both things you like to eat". I gasp and kick his leg shockingly hard and he tumbles to the ground. "Fucking whore!". He yells and I burst out laughing.

"I'm a virgin dipshit". I laugh and gently kick his head well he was down, he glares and sits up but leans back on his arms.

"Why the hell are ya a virgin?". I look at him like 'really dude'.

"Um are you blind? pretty sure you aren't butttt". He rolls his eyes.

"You aren't that bad looking I've seen uglier skinny bitches". I chuckle.

"I'll take that as a compliment". I look ahead and see what looked like a car. "Lets see whats ahead".

"Thought you weren't walking anymore pumpkin?". He watches as I stand.

"And I thought you could only call me sugar tits". I brush my jeans off and start walking again, I hear him grumble something before I hear him following me, I walk up to the white dinky car it was quite small but it was big enough for us to crash in for the night.

He walks up to the drivers side. "Oh three?". I nod and he starts counting once he hits three he swings the door open and the chomper pops out, I smash the ax into its skull and it drops to the ground, I pull at my ax trying to get it out, Merle laughs before snatching the handle out of my grasp and yanks hard the handle snaps and the head of the ax stays in the chomper. "Um...you did it". He blames and thrusts the broken handle into my arms.

"Yeah sure bub". I look at the handle and decide if I can find a knife I'll sharpen it into a spear thing. "So nap time?". I ask as he looks in the rest of the car to make sure there isn't another one.

"Yeah sugar tits". I roll my eyes.

"For that I call backseat". I open one of the backseat doors and crawl in, he chuckles and closes the door behind me, I pull off my sweater and bundle it under my head as a pillow before closing my eyes, I couldn't fall asleep right away and after a few minutes I feel something drape over me.

"Fucking sucks no one thinks your worth saving pumpkin...least we got each other now". I hear him move I assume getting comfy.

"Want to use me as a pillow softy?".

"Fuck yeah". I laugh as he crawls in the backseat with me way too eagerly, he snuggles into me and I shake my head. "Also I'm not a softy".

I giggle. "Sure you aren't honeybun".

"Don't call me that!".

"Well its softy or honeybun which".


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