Chapter Twenty

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   Nova sat in the corner of the arcade, petrified. Hope, she was the last person she thought would commit such terrible deeds. She was only sixteen. And now, with Hope traumatizing everyone who lived. She shall never live a normal life.

  "Come on! She has the key somewhere!" Damian groaned, Hope's blood drenching him. He was throwing Hope around, panicking. Searching for the key.

  "Damian! Damian!" Nova rushed towards home, as tears streamed down his cheeks. He finally stopped panicking, sitting on his knees with his head draping downwards, "It's Okay..... it's okay. She's dead now."

  He was actually sobbing. Happy, yet depressed at the same time, "We're going to get out of here now. And we, we are alive. We're going be together."

  He slowly looked up at her. His darkish red hair hanging over his face. He leaned in and kissed her, before wrapping his arms around her waist, "I love you. I'm so glad I met you."

  "Me too," she closed her eyes and smiled, "Now let's find that key!"

    "What is this?" he pulled out a small note, from Hope's pocket.

  The present of the 3rd death. You'll find me.

   "Why does she actually sound intelligent?" Nova cocked her head, eyeing everyone that gathered silently in the arcade. They still haven't left.

  "Good q-question. Check in the room Jordan died in, find a picture of Hope," he spoke, watching them hesitate before dodging out of the arcade, and up the creaking steps, "Okay. I'll stay here.... I kind of have no choice."

"Picture, Picture," Damian mumbled, searching the unsettling room, "Ah! I found it! And the key is behind it!"

He jumped for a joy, along with everyone else around him. "We're going to get out of here! Go! Before something bad happens!"

They all ran as fast as they could back down the steps, Tristan picking up River and panicking as Damian unlocked the door. "HURRY! HURRY!"

A huge sigh of relief was heard from everyone as the door was unlocked, and the starry night was revealed. They booked it down the street, still utterly terrified. But as soon as they made it to a little shop on the corner of the dusky street. They cried tears of joy. Hugging each other, happy to be free.

"Can we please have a moment of peace for those who died during these past couple months," Nova felt her tears streaming down her cheek, "These were good people. Who didn't deserve what they got."

Each of them looked down at the cracked sidewalk. Giving those amazing people a moment of silence. Besides, the malevolent Hope. "Lindsey. We weren't very close, but she was a person who had a lot going for her in this world. She was kind. And kindness needs to be cherished in this world of ours. Jayden and Jordan, the devout twins. They were inseparable, and very generous people. Jordan protected her brother like he was a brick of diamond, in a village of stingy people. Unfortunately, her death was a lot more deceiving. For the beautiful girl did it to herself," she paused, crying harder, "Jade. A lot of negative things have been said towards Jade. But she was just like all of us. She had a bad side, like all of us. She tried to be tough, and threaten people. But in reality, she was just as scared as all of us were. And she did in fact have a heart... sometimes she just lacked showing her good side. Next we have Preston. He was a good kid, full of life. He did get on our nerves every once an a while. But when it comes to loving someone. The annoying traits don't matter."

Everyone gave Nova a hug, who was sobbing, "Live your life to the fullest people. Because you never know when you can be kidnapped again. Being torn away from your family, after being selfish and unappreciative. Don't complain about your life, because others have it worse. At least we are alive, and breathing."

She watched as each of them trembled down the streets, their heads facing the snowy street. Damian was standing by her side, holding her small hand.

They looked at each other intently, feeling successful, "I love you."

She cocked her head, "You love me?"

He tilted her chin upwards, so she'd look him in the eye, "Do not question the love I have for you. You have changed my life Nova. In a way no one has ever done before. I want you, forever and always."

She formed a small smile upon her lips, before kissing the helpless red head, "Come on. Let's go to my house."

"I'd love to."

   Liberty and Jax didn't exactly know were they were heading. They just followed the street lights, to a 24/7 diner. "You haven't lied lately," she giggled.

  His hands were in his pockets, as he slumped downwards onto the table, "I just don't feel up to it. Life is a lot more meaningful to me now. Just like Nova said. I can't waste my time lying, and pretending to be someone I'm not just being it entertains me."

  She nodded slowly, "I feel the same way. I'm going to write a book about this incident. People may call it fiction, but I know the truth."

  His eyes watered, "I just wanted to say how glad I am to have met you. Even if it wasn't in the most typical place. You are an amazing girl, who shall accomplish a lot in this lifetime."

  She leaned in, giving him a hug. Saying no words. Just closing her eyes, and loving the boy.

  "Promise, we'll find each other again one day," he whispered into her ear, and she carefully nodded.

  "I'll make sure to mention the cute boy I had a crush on in the book I write," she smiled, "Now I should get going. I think I have somewhere to be."

  She stood up, stumbling out of the diner as he slowly waved goodbye.

  They were in fact. Free.

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