Chapter Five

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After a long game of Monopoly, we are beginning a game of Clue. I looked out the window and realized the sun has disappeared and the night sky has replaced it. I wondered when mother and father were coming home. We're probably only going to play one or two matches of Clue since they both have to drive home.

I won Monopoly, simply because I am the queen, when it comes to board games. Kelly landed on Park Place, with a hotel. Fortunately (for me) I owned the property. Unfortunately, Kelly landed on Boardwalk afterwards. She could not pay me so she was out.

Billy was coming around my block. I owned the green properties as well, which are on the same side as the dark blue. He played it safe and decided to drop out of the game there. You can't blame him. I'm a brutal monster when it comes to this game.

Ever since Kelly impolitely intruded into my house halting my makeout sesh she has been off and a little distant. No more like really distant. It felt as if I was closer to the clouds than I was to her. Yes she was right next to me laughing and playing along but it seemed like a poorly performed act. 

I wonder if everything's okay at home. Suddenly, I feel like a horrid excuse of a best friend. Here I was, making out with some boy I just met when my friend who I've known for forever is living in a broken home with her parents who are settling a divorce.

"Ah guys you can play Clue without me," Kelly started to rise up from her spot on the carpeted floor. "I think I'm going to call it quits and drive home before it gets too dark." by now she was already making her way to the front door. 

To Billy I announced, "I am going to walk her to the car, okay? I'll be back in a jiffy." I ran to meet her before she got outside. I lightly caught her wrist as she was in the wide doorway. "What's wrong Kells?"

Her eyebrows were scrunched and her lips were in a tight line. "Don't you think Billy is kind of-ugh I don't know Thal... Like peculiar?" I was shocked. I wouldn't have ever guessed that that was going to leave her lips. "Ugh don't even give me that look Thalia."

"What look?" I ask. Although I'm more curious on how Billy comes off as strange to her. "You know what, that doesn't even matter. How is Billy peculiar?" I ask. 

"Shhh!" Now she was the one grabbing my hand and swinging me out the house and onto the protection of the front porch. "Bitch! You want him to hear us talking about him? I don't trust his ass.. yet. He doesn't creep you out?" 

"Ugh no he doesn't." I say, briskly rubbing my hands on my arms in desperate search of warmth. 

"Okay so there's nothing creepy about him popping up to your house? You never even told him your fucking address!" She raised her voice and began flaring her arms. "That's a fucking red flag! Also, I caught this lil fucker admiring your god damn kitchen set of knives!" By now Kells was fucking hysterical and her arms were moving like a god damn tilt a whirl on its y axis and bystanders across the street could hear her loud ass.

"What the fuck do you mean he was admiring the knives?" I question, hella confused. Either I misheard her or she's been smoking too much lately. 

"BiTcH yOuR mans was individually taking out every knife from its spot and was just ADMIRING it. He would closely examine the knife, from the tip of the blade to the end of its handle. He would even ghostly trace it against his neck or wrist! On top of all that his presence just brings me discomfort and goose-"

"You never came back Thalia." Billy suddenly appeared, shutting the door behind him. "Don't want the heat to escape into the night now do we?" He grinned.

"AH shit!" Kelly gasps and jumps like a startled cat, pressing a protective arm against her C size boobs out of instinct. "This is the god damn fuckery I was talking about! He pops up out of fucking nowhere!" Billy just stood right against the door with his hands in his jean pockets and a befuddled look on his pretty face.

The fierce redhead quickly pulled me to the side and whispered into my ear. "Thalia, either your ass is coming to my house with me or you're staying with this creep." I was torn. On one hand, I had my friend whom I've known for so many years and normally I deeply trust her judgement and opinion. However, Kells is known to be a pothead at times, especially when she's stressed and with her parents and all, I know she's been smoking more. So maybe its her delirious drug influenced imagination talking and not my softie Kells. 

Personally, I have never felt threatened or in danger when I'm near Billy and I know deep down that with anything and everything I should always trust my feelings and not someone else's. But I feel as if I chose Billy I would be betraying Kelly and if I chose Kelly I would be betraying Billy and myself in a way? I don't know this is a jumbled askew mess and I don't have time to think. They are both waiting for my next move that determines how the rest of the night is going to play out.

I have made my decision as I hug my friend and say loud enough for Billy to hear "I know it's rough with your parents and everything but things will eventually work out babe." I rubbed some circles on her back. As I retracted from the hug I saw the dam of tears about to burst from her eyes and that's when I knew I fucked up, but I had to go through with my choice now. 

Kelly looked at me as if I was a stranger and silently walked to her car. I turned my body to face Billy because I could not look at Kelly backing her car out of the driveway-if I saw her car exiting my property I would feel like she was exiting too. Exiting out of my life. I quickly swiped any tears of mine that fell as I pushed past Billy and muttered "It's cold." He may have thought that I was talking about the temperature but really I was talking about her absence. That fiery redhead I call my friend was my sunshine in my pocket and I just picked a boy over my sun.

Word Count: 1137 !1!

A/N well then sorry for my hiatus. Adjusting to this school year and workload along was more challenging than I assumed and I tried to work in writing time in my schedule but as you can see I was unsuccessful. Thank you for all of the votes, reads, comments and messages since I've been gone. I must say that I have not read over this before publishing soooo that kind of explains any typos and or mistakes. Sorry for the long wait bbs! tysm for everything xxx Ali

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