my real name is bonnet

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Meanwhile tour with spring and temmes

Temmes:ugh!!! When the tour over

Spring:it only been15 mins why and rush jezz

Temmes:as I don't want to be with you because....

Spring:I know! We dated and I want to make it up to you I always think about you but...
You won't get me a chances*sniff*

Temmes:omg I'm....sorry...I didn't knew you really did had feelings for I thought they were just a setup because toy Chica told me

Spring: wait!who told you again tell me now temmes

Temme:Um...toy Chica?!?

Spring:that slimely some of a bitch she a slutly girl I  ever  see

Temmes;wow ok a  breath and tell what THE HELL is going on what about toy Chica

Spring:*grad temme hand*listen to me when we  dated toy Chica was jealous of you so she the one who told all the things  please its the truth I really like you well...I don't like I love you

Temmes:*blush* your saiding  if I would date you again

Spring:yes yes!?! Please give me one more chances please temmes


Bonnica:so...zu do have secrects

Zu:well...I do but you tell first... name isn't really Bonnica*blush*

Zu:really well my name isn't zu too

Bonnica:*blush* but first do you like someone

Bonnie:*crys* sniff Bonnica?!? I didn't knew you were where here

Bonnica:what's wrong?!? Bro bro

Bonnie:I can't find Freddy I really need to see him

Bonnica:dumdy did you check the girl bathroom

Zu:what fuck!!! Why is in the fucking girl's bathroom

Bonnica:I don't know I think like there peacefully

Zu:ohhh OK I though he was a pervert

Bonnie:hey! dumdass he not a pervert he the handsome guy I ever seen

Bonnica:OK OK Bonnie just look at the girls bathroom OK

Bonnie:your right *walks away*

Bonnica:now that we are alone again tell who your crush I tell my

Zu:um...I like like LIKE YOU!!!*covers his mouth*

Bonnica:you really do I don't like you...

Zu:oh I'm sor-

Bonnica:love you!!! *runs to zu and hug him*

Zu:*hugs her back* now tell me what's your really name

Bonnica:oh yeah my name is bonnet 

Zu:you have beautiful name my name is Zane

Meanwhile at the girls bathroom

Freddy:I can't believe I was so stupid

Bonnie:Freddy are you please can I talk to you

Freddy:Bonnie is that you is that really you

Bonnie:Freddy *run to him and hug him* Freddy I'm stupid bunny I didn't know but I know where my heart belong to you Freddy

Freddy:Bonnie*touch his cheek*

Bonnie:*kiss him*

Let see in the next chapter what happen

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