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Grayson's POV

It was currently 9:00 at night. 

I fucked up bad. 

I honestly didn't know what I was doing. 

If Veronica would just listen to me...

She thinks I'm a horrible person, but I was drugged!

I thought I was kissing V, I really did. 

If I could change everything I would.

I still love Veronica and I always will. 

We have something special. I know its still there. 

I couldn't stop crying. 

I was now with Ethan back home. 

I was in bed crying while he was on FaceTime with Elley in his bedroom. 

Ethan thought I was asleep, but how can I sleep knowing the girl I love is at home crying because of me. 

I listened to what they said. 

Ethan spoke, "Yea I think Gray is asleep, I yelled at him but he is really hurt." 

Then Elley, "Are you sure he didn't know what was happening?" 

"I'm positive, Grayson wouldn't cheat. He also wouldn't lie to me." 

"Veronica can't even hear his name or she will cry. I tried watching her favorite movie with her, but when it got to the part where they are singing in the car, she just started crying for no reason. I feel horrible though. She finally fell asleep. It's been a long day for her." I could tell Elley was sad. 

"Grayson said he swears he was drugged and that Julia is just a crazy bitch. He said she was always overprotective but he never saw it because he was blinded by the way he loved her." Right Ethan. Please, clear my name.

"I believe you. I know Grayson would never stoop so low as to cheat, especially on Veronica. But did you see the fan accounts. They keep posting stuff about how cute they are. Veronica can't go on her phone without seeing a picture of them together." At least Elley believes me.

The conversation continued between them, until I fell asleep. 

I dreamt of what V and I were like before. 

Before I was drugged. 

Before I cheated. 

Back to a time where she loved me. 

She couldn't love me anymore. 

I don't love me anymore. 

I lost the best thing in my life. 

I've only known Veronica for a few months, but I know how I feel. 

I know my love is true. 

I just wish she knew how I felt. 

I wish she would love me again. 

I know I probably won't get her back, but it's worth a shot. 

I need her. 

The next morning, I got up and went to the store. 

Well not just one store, many, many stores. 

I got all the supplies I needed for my project and got to work. 

It was only about 10 am at this point in time. 

I had already been working for an hour, until Ethan walked past. 

"Grayson, what the fuck." He started laughing at my handwriting. 

"I'm trying to get V back, stop laughing assclown." He shut right up. 

"Gray, I don't know if you should..." He stopped, "Ya know, go through all of this when she probably won't take you back..." His words drifted off. 

"E, she has to. If she doesn't she has to at least know how sorry I am and that I would never mean to hurt her." I said, putting my head back into my work. 

"Listen Gray, you can try, but I don't want you to get your hopes up for them to just get crushed." Ethan patted my back and walked to the kitchen to make what I assume will be his breakfast. 

After about 10 more minutes, Ethan yelled saying he was going to Elley's. 

Of course my first thought was, "Is V there?" but my project wasn't even close to being done yet, so I didn't say anything. 

"Okay, have fun!" I yelled back to him. 

Once I heard the door shut, I worked harder than ever. 

There was glitter, string, paper and other supply things all around our house. 

By this time, it was around 1:30. I got up and ordered some pineapple pizza from the local pizza place. 

I was starving. I haven't eaten anything in longer than I can remember, which isn't good. 

The pizza came in about 20 minutes and I ate it all in less than 5. 

Ethan came home around 6:00 pm looking exhausted. 

"Bro, V is a complete mess. Do whatever your doing, fast. She needs you, especially now that she knows the truth about what happened." He went into his room and fell to sleep. 

My project was almost done, I just had to make a few more calls...

(Comment what you think, should Veronica and Grayson get back together?? Or should they stay friends??)

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