Black Butler (Sebastian)

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    "Burn!" Was screamed all around me as I was tied to a wooden pole. Flammable fluid being poured over my body and a match was lit. I scanned the crowd, trying to catch sight of the people I once considered my family. Once I spotted them I muttered a few curses under my breath, that was before I felt the heat of flames lapping at my skin, inching their way up my body. I didn't scream. No. I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of my screams. I laughed loudly as the smoke rose up around me, when suddenly I was being carried away by a figure. I blinked in surprise at the person who had saved me only to be met with a pair of red eyes. A few moments later I had passed out, being carried away to who knows where.

-Time Skip!-

    I had woken up in an unfamiliar room, I rubbed my forehead, still smelling the smoke from the previous night. I glanced around and nearly screamed when I saw a butler walking into my room.

    "Ah, I see that you are awake." He said with a cat like grin.

    "Where exactly am I?" I asked as he set up the tray on the nightstand next to the bed and poured a cup of tea.

    "You are exactly where you're supposed to be my dear. So here you are, in London." He replied back while handing me the cup of tea.

    "London... As in England?" I asked, taking the cup of tea and taking a sip.

    "Be careful miss that's..." He paused, watching me drink the whole thing. "Hot." He finished as if he was surprised.

    "I can't feel anything.... It's a part of my powers..." I said simply as I set the cup back down on the tray, I tossed off the covers to see my legs all burnt to a crisp.

    "Well... At least I can't feel it." I said while getting up and stretching.

    "What exactly are your powers miss?" The butler asked while cleaning up the tray.

    "Causing harm to others and not feeling it... I can't feel anything, I'm kinda like a doll." I said in response to his question with a smile on my face.

    "Amazing." He said. "I'll be back, my young master should be in soon to speak with you." He then added on and disappeared out of the room.

    "Okay..." I said while walking around, I heard the door open and close. Then heard it open and close again. I turned to see a boy who had to be about ten at the youngest.

     "Hello." He spoke simply and stood there for a moment, watching me.

    "Hello." I replied back, studying his features.

    "Sebastian, my butler, has told me all about your powers already. But never the matter. I want you to work for me." He said, straight to the point.

    "So like as a maid right?" I asked in question.

    "Yes, but the job does come with it's... perks you could say." He said while picking at his nails.

    "I can do that. As long as I don't have to go back to America again." I said simply, shuddering when the memories of the previous night resurfaced.

    "Don't worry, you wouldn't have had to go back even if you didn't accept." He said. "I'll leave you to it. The maid outfit is in the bathroom attached to this room which is now yours." He added then left.

    "Alright..." I said and then went into the bathroom and changed into my maid's outfit. Grimacing at my reflection. "Well it could be worse." I murmured and added the headband to complete the outfit. After I finished getting the maid outfit on I headed downstairs where the lord would be waiting.

    After being given some fairly simple tasks, I had thought to myself 'It shouldn't be too hard working here. At least I don't think it will be...' As I helped the other maid clean up the house.

-Time Skip!-

    I had been working at the manor for a few months now and it was all going smoothly. We had acquired a giant demon hound named Pluto, er... At least that's what I think his name is, I'm not really sure since Finny is the one that takes care of him.

    With a cloth and some cleaning spray in hand, I had begun to wipe off all of the counters, a sudden warm breath of air on the back of my neck made me pause in my cleaning and sigh.

    "Sebastian, I know you're there." I said in a neutral tone.

    "Whatever do you mean? I was just helping you clean." He responded back, appearing next to me with a cloth in hand, wiping down the counters as well.

    "Okay... Well is there anything you need?" I asked, moving onto the next counter in the kitchen.

    "Actually there is nothing that I needed. I just simply enjoy your presence." He responded back with that smirk on his face that he typically wore.

    I narrowed my eyes at him. Something has been really off with him the past few weeks, ever since we began to talk more. Shrugging it off I continued to work in silence while Sebastian hummed quietly to himself. He always seemed to be right beside me and finally I got annoyed with it, silently picking up a fork a stabbing it into the palm of my hand made him gasp out in pain and clutch his own hand.

    "Sebastian... We've known each other for how long now? I know that something is up... And has been. You've been keeping a very good eye on me and always aren't that far away. It's starting to bug me..." I stated calmly, removing the fork though keeping it in my hand, just in case he needed a little more persuasion.

    "I've already told you... Nothing is up." He stated while rubbing his hand, his red eyes narrowed on me.

    "Really? Cause it's so hard to get something down without you breathing down my neck." I replied back, narrowing my eyes on him. Soon enough it turned into a stare down between the two of us, our faces getting closer without either of us realizing it. The only thing that pulled us out of the stare down was when our lips met, Sebastian taking the chance and pulling me closer to him, holding me against him. I was still in a state of shock and dropped the fork I had been holding, only to wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back. He pulled away and kissed me, again and again, over and over as he trapped me between him and the counter I had previously been cleaning.

    "I must admit... I find you quite attractive miss (Y/N) and even more so, I think I may have fallen for you my little doll." He said with that smirk on his face.

    "You..." I started, growling, I lifted my hand up to my mouth and bit down on it. Causing him to yelp in pain. "Deserved that Sebastian for worrying me. And..." I yanked him close to me by the collar of his shirt, kissing him passionately. "You deserve that too because I think I may have fallen for you as well."

~FIN (Maybe!)~

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2017 ⏰

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