In The Ring.

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"You ready?" Logan asks smacking James' cheeks. Not too hard, but hard enough to get James mad. James nods. "Get your game face on boy, any anger you got on anyone use it." Said Coach Nickols. James nods. "Beat the crap out of him." Shane mutters as he smacks James' back. James nods. "You building up the anger? Make sure you are -".

"I know what to do." James snapped at his dad as he wrung his neck. "Keep it for the ring." Nickols muttered.

James nodded again glaring at the door in front of him. He bounced on the balls of his heels. The four guys stood watching as James readied himself for this fight. No one moving, when they left the changing rooms it would be James' call.

"Lets go." James mutters. Logan whoops and runs towards the door, he shoves it open letting in the roars and shouts from the heated crowd. James' opponent was already out, sitting at the other side of the ring.

James was about to fight the semi-final of the state championship in cage fighting. James had already won the boxing state championships and the wrestling state championships. In cage fighting pretty much anything goes, so this was James' favourite.

James had made quite a name for himself in the fighting scene, he wins every one of his matches. He dominates the ring. Demolishing his opponent. He had been dropped by eight coaches due to his anger issues, then picked up by one who dropped him for taking part in street fighting, then Steve Nichols picked him up. Coached him to use his anger as a weapon. Taught him that street fighting can be good as it educates him in other forms of attack.

He had even earned himself a nick name. 'Wrath of Rathmore.'

Which the crowd was now chanting. "Game face on boy, work the crowds." Steve whispered behind him. James rose his tapped fist in the air the cheers from the crowd was ear bursting. James grinned. He turned his attention to his opponent who was glaring at him, James shot him a sickenly sweet smile.

Shane pulled up James chair and sat him down. His brothers knelt in front of him. "List who your pissed at." Shane says.

"Tatar. Pretty much everyone in the school. My ex coaches. Dad. Half the world. People who feel sorry for themselves. The list goes on." His brothers nod comically understanding. "Pretend he is all of those people." James shoves his brothers aside getting to his feet. "I know the drill." He snaps at them.

"Add Shane and Logan to the list." He mutters to himself.

James is called into the cage. He half listens to the rules laid down by the ref as he knows no rules are ever followed in these cages. But biting, breaking necks, killing and kicking in the balls are off limits. It's a silent agreement by every man who has ever entered the cage.

He then continues to ignore the ref telling them to shake hands, his opponent, Jeff Gardener, holds out his hand, he drops it almost instantly. James smirks and goes over to his corner of the cage.

This isn't a game boy.

James only half notices the half naked girl who marches across the stage holding the 'Round One.' Sign.

The bell rings signalling the beginning of the round.

James puts everything he has into the first minute of the round. Knocking most of what his opponent had out of him. James then takes a step back knowing it's two out of three and needs his energy.

"Conserve your energy boy." Steve yells at him rattling the cage. James raises his middle finger in Nichols direction cracking his neck.

I know what I'm doing.

Jeff gets to his feet and wipes the blood from his lip. "Your coach never taught you, no mercy?" He taunts. "Your coach ever teach you to win?"

Jeff runs at James, who jumps out of the way and comes back with a round house kick. Knocking him onto the ground. James lands in with a round of kicks to the chest. "Tap out you little bitch." James yells slamming his foot harder against Jeffs side. He then backs away.

"James, you do know killing is illegal right?" James turns to Shane and over dramatically rolls his eyes at him.

I know the law, I've broken it enough times to know it.


James stood in the alley way waiting for his brothers to come back from taking a piss. He'd won the fight, easily.

"Oi! Rathmore." James turned his head and groaned as Jeff and his little band of buddies came down the alley way. This meant trouble.

"What?" James asks annoyed.

"You didn't deserve to win that fight." James laughs.

"I won fair and square, you hadn't any chance winning Gardener. You suck. Get over it." James shoves himself from his casual position.

"I do not suck." Jeff answers angry.

"What do want?" James asks scowling.

"A fair fight." Jeff answers.

"Yeah, now it's fair you and your buddies against just me. Your kinda proving my point that you suck."

"Get him." Jeff ordered.

Jeffs friends attacked James. All four of them, Jeff watched smugly.

James ducked from the first swing but felt a second fist in his chin as he did so. He kicked up landing his boot into one of the boys crotches. The boy grabbed his crotch dropping onto his knees in agony. James grinned backing away.

"Sorry, did that hurt?" He ducks from an incoming blow and rises with and upper cut. Knocking his opponent backwards. Another of the boys grabs James from behind pinning his arms backwards. The third boy still standing comes forward and throws three punches into James' face. James grunts and shakes his head kicking off the blood on his face. He runs backwards slamming the boy on his back against the wall. He lets go of James instantly.

James turns to him laying his foot into his side and then into the balls. "Ouch." James mutters.

He turns back to the two boys left standing. Jeff suddenly joins them.

"So glad you could join us for tea, how do you do?" Jeff glares back at James.

With the help of his buddies Jeff manages to blacken James' eye, land him on the ground swice and most deffinitly sprain his nose. On the other hand James had managed to land one of Jeffs friends on the ground giving him no intention of getting back up.

James grunts as his shoved against the wall. Jeff grabs him and pulls him into a head lock. "Not doing so well now are you pretty boy." James curses at Jeff and slams his foot against Jeffs leg. "You little -"

"OI GET OFF HIM!" The voice of the ref sounds through the alley way. In runs Steve and the Ref pulling Jeff and James off each other.

"Leave it in the ring." Ref yells at them. Steve pulls at James leading him down the alley way.

"I didn't start it." James says almost immediately.

"I know, but you would've ended it." James scoffs.


People stare as James walks through the hallways the next day. His right eye is as black as the ace of spades. His lip is cut. There is a bruise on his jaw. His nose looks slightly out of place. His knuckles are cut to shreds.

James ignores the looks he gets. He's ignored them before and he can ignore them now. His hood up his head down.

This method of hiding works until he walks right into someone.

"Sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." The girl apologises. James looks up at Maddie as she moves on past him, in a rush, she pauses seeing his face.

"I'd hate to be the other guy." She says with a small smile.

"What ever you say, Trouble." James smirks.

"You must be some amount of Trouble yourself."

A/N: Thank you guys for reading as always. If you like it please give it a vote and maybe even tell your friends? Feedback as always is appreciated :)

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