Chapter 1

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My eyes snap open for a moment I panic, I don't know where I am. Then I hear the distant sound of the waves crashing on the bank. I look over at Alex and Annabeth, both still sleeping soundly in their bunks. I slowly crawl out of bed and tiptoed to the door and slip out into the cool night air. The soft breeze blows my brown hair back, I start to run. The soft mossy ground beneath my feet, the ocean, the night owls hooting in their nests as I race by. I can feel my heart pounding the blood pumping to my ears. I race up a cliff. My feet and hands moving like clockwork. I reach the top of the peak and stare down at the beautiful Island. I can see the tree canopy below me and the miles of the ocean below me.

When I get back the sun just is starting to rise. Alex and Annabeth are already up starting collecting food and wood.

"Where did you run off to?" Alex asked. He looked at me a raised an eyebrow. I laughed but did not tell him

"Nowhere," I replied. I skipped off into the cabin and started to make breakfast. I brought out a bowl of fruit coated in a sugary sap from some of the trees on the island. I brought the bowl to a little table that sits on the edge of the forest line and looks out to the sea. We all sat down, staring at the calm waves crashing on the sand. I popped a blackberry in my mouth, and I bit down. The flavor exploded like a bomb. I started thinking about home.

A few years ago a plague called Dart struck in all the major cities. It quickly spread to all over the world. It would take control of your nervous system and brain and make you do horrible things. However, you were conscious of what you were doing but could not control yourself. The scientist said after you got Dart you had about a day to a month to live. the virus spread like a wild fire starting in major cities. People said that by just breathing the same air you won't catch it. They told us there was no cure. 99.7% of every person who got the plague would die. However, the 2% of people would get the plague but they would be able to survive it. They could still get the plague but their body had a special immune system that could fight it off. My parents and I were very sick. They wanted me to have my best shot. So they told me to run and keep running and never stop. They told me about an island far away, and if I left now I would have a chance of surviving. I built a makeshift raft and set off that night. That's when I met Alex and Annabeth, who are brother and sister. They had that same idea, they told me that they were just like me. They too survived that nightmare. I guess you could call it fate. We combined our rafts and let the ocean take us wherever it wanted. We were on that little raft for about 3 weeks. Surviving only on the little fish that we could catch. We were dying, and I knew it. The last bit of strength was leaving us. But then one night our raft hit something. I looked up. And Island we are saved I thought.

I shivered and it woke me back to reality. When we finished our breakfast I did my daily chore, I went down to the little pond that flows of a cliff into the sea. It's the only source of fresh water on the island. I said in the middle of the pond, the cool water against my legs. I feel something tickle my leg. I look down. Four tiny fish with green scales are swimming between my legs. I dip the bucket into the water and the fish scatter. Their scales glistening in the reflection of the sun. I wade out of the water and head home.

When I get home Annabeth and Alex are sitting at the table. They look at me. A shadow of worry crosses over there faces. I knew that I had just interrupted an important conversation.

"Hazel," Annabeth started. "Please sit down, we have something to discuss with you." I look at them then sit down sit down. I had the feeling that I was in the principal's office. I look from Annabeth to Alex they both exchange a glance.

"Hazel, I think it's time that we go home," Alex said in a rush of words. "I- we," He said, gesturing to Annabeth. "Need to know if anyone is alive if our family is alive." I stared at him. I was in shock. I knew that we would go home but not this soon.

"Why? I like our life. And there is no guarantee that anyone is alive!"

"Hazel," Annabeth said and a calm voice. She placed a trembling hand on my shoulder.

"NO!" I screamed. I did not want to leave. I jumped to my feet and I dashed out the door. I ran and ran so fast. I felt like a cheetah. I dashed between trees and I ran to the beach and sat down in the sand and started to cry. But I knew that they were right, we had to go back. We had to find our families. I sat there looking at the horizon. It was beautiful. The soft colors of the sun setting and merging together. I did not want to leave. This had become my home a and a safe place. Then I heard soft steps behind me. I buried my face in my hands. Alex sat next to me, but he did not say anything. I glad he didn't.

After a long silence, I said,"Yes." He looked at me. His soft amber eyes locked onto mine. I leaned for ward and he hugged me and I started to cry again into his shoulder. A mix of emotions flooded over me, I felt safe in his big strong arms but I was scared of what lied ahead.I pull back and look at the sunset. Silent tears running down my cheeks. I was going home.

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