Part 2

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Rochelle had already began to fear that even this means of escape would be pointless to try, but was still devastated by the news.

"There's no way out..." She slid down to the floor again, repeating this phrase as much as the one she'd used for comfort. She rocked back and forth, head in her knees and her hands on her ears.

"Hello, ladies." An eerie male voice called.

The voice seemed malevolent but held tones that made it seem like the speaker was a person who laughed a lot.

It reminded Rochelle of a clown.

The voice had emanated from the "darkest" corner of the room; it seemed pitch dark simply because of their minds, so they had no clue if the stranger who owned the voice sat in the corner.

All Rochelle knew was that it shut her up.

Rosebay's body turned quickly, hearing the tone of a rotten sounding voice coming from the corner of the basement.

'We're not alone...' She thought, her skin crawling. She then jumped down from the chair and kept the light at bay. Whether these were assholes pulling a petty prank or something far worse, she wasn't going to take it lightly. She leapt over to Rochelle. Rosebay was a brave soul, but even she had to force her shaking hand to lift up her flashlight into the direction the voice came from.

Nothing revealed itself.

In the corner, there was nothing but wall and floor. Rochelle had no idea if that's scarier than seeing something or somebody.

"R... Rose... I..." She attempted to say, but her anxiety made it hard for her to talk. An audible gulping noise left her, indicating that she swallowed, or at least tried to, her own saliva.

"Get up." Rosebay said almost demandingly, grabbing Rochelle by the upper arm, "We'll get out through a window." She said, and headed up the basement stairs.

Rochelle had lightly flinched away from Rosebay's tone. It was not that big of a deal, had it been a normal situation.

Instead, she shakily got up and yelped when Rose gripped her by the arm, leading the two upstairs. The windows received the same treatment as the basement window did, except with less time-consuming options. Duct tape, wooden boards, etc.

"Oh, you've got to be shitting me." Rosebay rolled her eyes, "How is that possible? We didn't hear any noises, and we were only down there for 5 minutes." Rosebay said, running up to one of the windows.

She tried thinking and flashed her light around.

Her heart skipped a beat as she wished her ears deceived her.

Footsteps were heard on the staircase.

Rosebay glared and turned to the counter, her eyes landing on a knife rack. She grabbed a handle and with a shing she pulled out a butcher knife. "Just in case." She whisper-sang and approached the living room steadily.

Rochelle followed silently behind Rosebay, ignoring her gut instinct. She was about to fully break down at any moment and she did not like that idea one bit.

Rosebay walked ahead and made sure her friend was still behind her.

"Listen, Rochelle. I need you to stay close, and listen to what I say." Rosebay spoke softly, "We're going to break down the door." She said, and looked around for any large object.

Rochelle nodded, again, silently. There were the normal objects, chairs and tables. Nothing else seemed note-worthy to use to break down the door.

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