The Moving Statue

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Kai, Kay, Echo, and Zane jump across the blocks of ice.

"What are we doing in the Frozen Wastelands?" Echo asks.

"I paid some guy to tell me about this guy who knows a girl who knows this butcher than knows this shop owner than knows Dareth who knows about this guy who's dating this gal, and this gal knows where Clouse is. She said here," Kai explains. "My plan is to get Clouse. Kay, you'll make statue of Garmadon crystal, then I'll bribe him to enchant it so he can talk to Lloyd."

"Impressive!" Zane smiles.

"Thanks," Kai says. "We're here."

They stop. They are in the middle of a giant filed of snow.

"Where is he?" Kay asks.


Suddenly, the spot underneath Kai turns green. He gets off it. Suddenly, the ghost of Clouse appears, and Kay yells.

"Show it," Clouse says. Kai pulls the book out. "What do you want?" Clouse asks.

"We'll make a deal," Zane says. Kay makes a Garmadon crystal statue. "You turn this statue to have the soul of Garmadon, and we give you the spellbook."

"You go first," Clouse tells them.

"What if you don't do it?" Echo asks.

"What if you don't give me the book?" Clouse replies.

"Why would we need this? We can't use it; we don't have magical powers," Kai explains.

Clouse sighs. He mutters a little, and suddenly, the statue comes to life!

"Kai! Zane! Who are you to?" Garmadon asks. "Clouse." Kai tosses Clouse his spell book. He disappears.

"Garmadon, this is Kay, an orphan we adopted, and Echo Zane, Zane's brother," Kai explains.

"Well, it seems like I missed a lot," Garmadon says.

"Yep," Zane says. "We got you back because, well, it started when we were arm wrestling..."


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