Broken Cravings; Seventeen

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I watched as Ming , (Louis assistant) slowly insert a powder pink sex toy in Bethlyn.

Her area *lmao* was just a little pink yet soft as a babies bottom.

I tried to resist what was going on but I couldn't.  I just couldn't...Louis was right..I am a very sick sick man.

Ming bit her lip as she slid an inch of the rope over Bethlyn's vagina to keep the sex toy in.

My brother was sick...sicker than me. And so was everyone he knew...even me.

I looked at my suit pants, sweating like a runner seeing a little poke.

"Yes , Please continue Ming. He's getting on to it" Louis laughed standing on the side of Bethlyn.

And how was Bethlyn..

Still unconscious,  that's what really made this fucked up.

My babygirl was getting raped while she was unconscious and I couldn't do anything about it.

A great splash of water brings me back to reality slowly. I blur back into what was happening.

Betlyn was wet and woke. She was whining at screaming for my help.

"Please stop, it hurts. Daddy help me !" She cried.  Her nose turnt pink sooner red and her bambi eyes were bloodshot.

I shook my head uncontrollably.

Make it stop...Make it stop....

The vibrator started beeping showing it was out of battery.


Than I blurred again.

"Daddy wake up... I'm getting hungry " Bethlyn shook me. I stared at her closely gripping hed shoulders.

"Bethlyn baby are you okay. Oh my god , sweetheart I'm so sorry I couldn't save you babygirl.  Im so sorry honey " I hugged her tightly. Behind her was my room.

The walls was painted burgundy like before with my snow white fluffy blankets. Things were everywhere..

"Daddy what's wrong with you. I'm okay" She giggled hugging mee back. She had a feather white rope on with the hint of vanilla color in it. Her hair was long and blonde like usual. Smelled like baby powder like usual.

Was this really a dream or and I'm trying to be told something?

Broken Cravings (REVISING AND REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now