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hoseok hyung👅💦
your cellphone is probably already
blowing up because of everyone
texting you, but i don't fucking care.
apologies and sayings of gratitude
have to be said even if i've said them
since taehyung's death.

hoseok hyung👅💦
i'm sorry.

hoseok hyung👅💦
i'm sorry for not doing anything when
you stopped yoongi from killing me. i
didn't say thank you, did i? no, i didn't.

hoseok hyung👅💦
taehyung and i weren't exactly a
couple, but we acted like one. i
was happy because he made me
happy, but i realized that he
wouldn't have done those things
to me if it weren't for you.

hoseok hyung👅💦
if you didn't tell yoongi to stop, then
i would have been killed by him, who
got into jail and soon escaped.

hoseok hyung👅💦
if it weren't for you, i wouldn't have
been so fucking happy in my life even
just for a short amount of time.

hoseok hyung👅💦
after the incident, i tried to keep my
mouth shut about this subject even
if i didn't know much. i only knew
about the full story two days ago,
and finding all the reasons out a year
later fucking sucks.

hoseok hyung👅💦
we all promised not to talk about it,
to forget about it all, but shit just
decided to happen.

hoseok hyung👅💦
and so here we are,

hoseok hyung👅💦
your body lifelessly hanging
at the edge of the building
with a rope around your neck,

hoseok hyung👅💦
jimin and i sitting quietly at the
backseat of a police car,

hoseok hyung👅💦
and your ex best friend yoongi
running away from the cops.

hoseok hyung👅💦
i hope everything's alright up there.
take care of taehyung, and tell him
to do the same to you.

hoseok hyung👅💦
thank you, jungkook

hoseok hyung👅💦
and i'm sorry.

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