Chapter 1

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So Sherlock is back and I'm going to attempt at writing a story for this i own nothing all rights go to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle  and writers of the series. anything smarts is proberly borrow from so TV show I've watched and observed lol so rights to them i only own Aurelia

Love is nothing but a chemical right? something in our brain that tells our body finds theirs attractive. See that what i thought as well it's what i was taught when i was growing up with my brothers. Mycroft and Sherlock. But when i was 17 it was different i was in love or at least was made to think like that. Some may see the truth like freedom, being released from the lies. Not for me, Sherlock the middle child saw to it that the truth was infact a curse and that he barley had natures emotions.

That what made me who i am today infact. Sherlock Holmes, my brother.

This is the story of how i watched the only man who could challenge his intelligence and use it against him.

This is the story of how i became the wife of James Moriarty.



27 years old

I was bored. ugh i needed a fix and i don't mean drugs or alcohol those only hinder...well most of the time. i huff right i was out of here i went to my bedroom and changed. i think i might go classy yet sexy. After i finish dressing i grab my bag and leave hailing a cab. i gave them her address and we set off. When we arrive i pay the driver and watch him leave hiding my back and taking out my purse before going inside.

Sky High one of my favourite haunts. they're stylish but up to date. Anyway i enter and smile at Havier. 36 homosexual and recently lost his boyfriend most likely he cheated...with a woman. met him once screamed fake but i like Haviar and consider his feelings. that was a few nights ago when i noticed... right before i shot him.

you heard right shot him. the fake cheating boyfriend

"good evening Havier" i smiled

"good evening Miss Holmes and Welcome back." he greeted.

"can't stay away long enough" i laugh making my way to the bar and ordering a drink.

"will you be singing for us Miss Holmes" i hear a voice question behind me i thank the bartender and take a sip of my drink.

"what could you possibly offer me Darren? i already have drinks on the house, ultimate VIP and free reign of the club to do as and what i see fit without question. Also not forgetting 20 I.O.U i have yet to cash." i reply he chuckles and sits next to me.

"I'll take that as a yes then" i turn and give him a wink "I'll let them know, just the usual" he stand up and leaves. that just proves i come here a lot, i finish my drink and looked around you had the usual ordinary boring people who will become my play things at some point but one in particular catches my eye. sat there on his own.

dark brown hair, solemn looking. mid 30s egotistical, arrogant, bad boy with a obsession to prove a point. criminal but doesn't like to get his hands dirty. also he's very bored like myself and wants something exciting to happen and likes classical music. i look away. i like him and I've seen his face before, it will come to me later it usually does.

"5 minutes" Darren informs me i nod and take a couple of shots which is safe. get too drunk and i screw up. never doing that again.

A drink is placed in front of me and i look up.

"from the man over there" he points to the man i was looking at before he smirks and holds his drink up i return the gesture before drinking it. i stand up and go to the stage.

"now introducing the fabulous and stylish. Aurelia"  everyone claps and i take my place the music begins and i begin. i perform Love Me by Stooshe.

i finish and take a bow before stepping off the stage. the music goes back to whatever and i order another drink. i love performing i gives me the perfect chance to deduce everyone and pick myself someone. which i did and then i put out my feelers. i sit back down and wait.

"very good choice of song. you have amazing voice" i turn me head backwards hen to its original position as the man from earlier sits next to me.

"James" he introduces himself. but hold out no hand.

"Aurelia" i reply i was given my drink and i took a sip. "don't you feel out of place being here. you're a classical man not a recent music type like myself and everyone here" i question he laughs.

"how do you figure that out. if you don't mind" i turn to face him i love to show off.

"simple you roll your eyes and shake your head every time a new song comes on that and shake your head. over the music up drum your fingers to a much slower and delicate but boring in my opinion beat. the only exception was me i noticed that you had your eyes fixated on me which suggest even though you like classical you have you have some taste its either that or my outstanding beauty took your breath away." i ramble all he does is just smile. he was about to say something but got interrupted my mark for the night.

"hello gorgeous what you having" i turn my attention to him he was partly drunk. he lost most of his ambitions but knows the difference between right and wrong.

"depends what are you offering" i question he gives a sloppy grin and leans in to whisper in my ear.

"meet me outside in 10 minutes and I'll show you" i roll my eyes but smile. he stumbles off to his friends and i turn back to James.

"what, I'm bored and I'm here for a little fun, messing with the dumb ordinary people is fun" 

Aurelia Holmes Away From Her Brother LightWhere stories live. Discover now