The never ending story Part 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own any Hetalia characters that might appear in this story. I will be making references to other things, so those all belong to their respective owners. I only have ownership over the General (otherwise known as Hannah Phoenix Fire). If you want to know more about her, please read the bio I made.

"Do you remember my grandsons General?" Romulus asked me; after finding me sitting in front of the temple to Neptune or Poseidon as I insisted on calling him.

Looking up at him with a quizzical expression, I raised one eyebrow. "Of course I remember them Rome. Why are you even asking in the first place and before you even say something, I know what you are going to ask me doesn't relate to your grandsons."

Sitting down next to me, Romulus proceeded to ask another question, who's topic I was surprised to hear coming from his mouth. "How long has it been since her death?" "It's been two hundred forty-one years since you killed Hellas Rome. Stealing her most beloved statue, stabbing her in the heart and sending her to my uncles arms."

"I know that you have been having visions of the future ever since that day and I want to know what you have seen." Taking a deep breath I responded, "I see you falling to the personification of the Germanic tribes. You will follow me around all over Europe, we will spend several centuries in England. Four years after the death of the virgin queen, we will sail across the sea to another land; which will become the first official British colony in this 'New World'."

Taking a break from speaking, I took a swig from a skin filled with Grecian wine before speaking again. "We will find a small blue-eyed child with blond hair. This child will grow up to be strong, proud, loyal (but only towards the ones who are deemed worthy of that loyalty and if they lose that loyalty it is very hard to earn back), kind, smart and the most devoted friend you will ever have the chance of meeting."

Another drink of wine. "Then he will revolt against his British overlord. The child will start an eight year long war of revolution and independence."

"When it is time for the child to choose which style of government he will use for the future (of himself as a nation), he will look back to you and Hellas for guidence." Romulus looked shocked from what I told him. He knew that I some times had visions of the future that I used to determine which side I would take in a battle. But he could never have thought that I could look this far into the future.

I looked up at the sky to see that my cousin Apollo was finishing up his rounds and Artemis was ready for her turn. "It seems that my cousins are switching roles Rome. It's best that we both head off to bed for the night so in the mourning, I have energy to tell the story and you have energy to listen to the story." Romulus nodded in agreement and we walked down Temple Hill and towards the palace apartments for sleep.

Closing the door to my room, I flopped down on the bed and just laid there on my back doing nothing. "How am I supposed to tell Rome about this kid!! How do I tell him that people call this kid 'the legacy of Rome' and 'the next great Roman Empire'? How am I supposed to explain to him that his grandsons will not be his legacy!?" I said out loud to the ceiling.

Deciding to figure it out in the mourning, I got dressed in my night cloths and finally laid down for a dream less sleep.

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