Chapter 9

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Jolanda P.O.V

I quickly got out that class. Ugh I hate school. I made a few friends. They fun too.

I even got to talk to Chrestano. I checked my insta while I was walking to class. I hit that 10K that's what's up.

Right when I walked to my locker I felt someone arms around my hips. Suddenly I felt a tap on my ass and turned around.

I smiled at who it was.

Chrestano: hey Jolanda wassup

Jolanda: mmmm hey Chrestano

Chrestano: hey hey call me roc instead

I laughed a little

Jolanda: fine hey roc

Chrestano: much better what class ya got next

Jolanda: I got p.e wbu

Chrestano: mmm same see ya there

Jolanda: kay

I walked away from my locker and giggled to myself. Man can that boy get any cuter and he's talking to me. Wow.

This was the best day I've ever had so far. I went the girls lockeroom and got dressed and went to do p.e.

After that it was lunch

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