ONLY EXCEPTION. (a Jasper and Alice fan fiction)

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When I was young, I always saw my Mom crying because of my Dad. I always saw them fighting anytime of the day. I never see them talking to each other without shouting. They always argue everyday. From that day on, I never believe in love in opposite sex and even in marriage. I never believe that there will be a couple that will love each other till the last beat of their hearts.

A few years later, I had lots of boys. I never take them all seriously. I just go out with them and make-out then the next day, I never call them back. I believe that all guys are JERKS, like my Dad who left us when my mom is dying. One day, I was out walking with dog Macy. A guy looked at me like he wants to rape me. See, they're all jerks. They just want sex, sex, and sex. I glared at him and Macy barked at him like she wants to tear his head off. When I was glaring at him, I didn't know that Macy is already walking down the street then a man with a soda bumped me. We bumped at each other and I fell and so does his soda. "Sorry. I'm really sorry." he said worriedly while helping me to get up. I looked at him pissed. "Why don't you look what you're walking?" I said, trying to remove the soda stains.

"You're not looking too Miss." he said calmly. I glared at him. "Now! Look at my shirt its full of stains and its wet!" I said madly. He sighed, trying to remove the stains. I grabbed his hankerchief and tries to remove the soda stains. "Look, Miss I'm in a hurry. What can I do for you?" he said panicly, looking at his watch. I lookdd at him like I want to slap his face. "Sorry but you have to buy me new shirt." I said madly. He nodded and pulled my arms lightly to a store. "Go ahead and pick. I'll stay here and i'll pay it." he said, looking at his watch. I put Macy out and goes inside the store. Well, he's a good guy but still a jerk. I picked a shirt. He paid it. I looked at him while he's paying. He got blue eyes and a perfect nose. I looked at his lips. Its so thin. "Miss! Here's your shirt." he said in a hurry way. I entered in a fitting room and quickly change my shirt. We walked outside and get Macy. "I'm Jasper by the way. Jasper Whitlock." he said, shaking my hand. I shook his hand back. "I'm Alice. Alice Brandon and this is my baby Macy." He smiled a beautiful smile while holding my hand. His smile is like an angel sent from above. I felt like there's an electric current running along in our hands. I felt my heart beating so fast. I coughed, "Hmm. My hand." I said, smiling.

"Oh I'm sorry. Again." he said letting go of my hand. He kneeled down and pats Macy's head. "You have a nice and cute dog." he said looking at me, smiling my fave smile of him. I was dazzled. "Why thank you.. Hmm.. Err.. You're late to your work mister." I said, biting my lip. "Oh right." he said, laughing then gave me his calling card. I saw a pen in his bag and grabbed it. "Here's mine." I said, grabbing his arm and putting my number. He chuckled as I let go of his arm. "So I'm gonna go. Need to work. Bye. See you around, I guess. Bye Macy." he said, waving at me. "Bye! Yeah! See ya! Thanks to this." I said, waving back.

What I was thinking, I just gave my number to a stranger. There's something wrong with this guy. I walked back home with Macy wearing the new shirt. I didn't notice that his hankerchief was in my pocket. I noticed it when I got home. I grabbed his hankerchief and smell it. It smell so good. Even if I smelled his soda in some part of it. Why am I feeling like this? I think I like him. What the hell. I never liked a guy since 6th grade. I shake my head about what I am thinking. I walked to the bathroom and put my stained shirt in the basket of my dirty clothes.


I put food on Macy's bowl, I didn't notice that his hankerchief is still in my hand. I smiled as I remember what happened earlier. I put his hankerchief in the basket of dirty clothes. My mobile beeps and reads a text from Rosalie, "Party at my house, 7pm." I quickly heads to the bathroom then take a bath. I finished taking a bath and finds a party dress to wear later. I saw red party dress and try it on. I looked at myself on the mirror and agreed because I looked good at this dress. I took it off and puts on my shirt and a skimpy shorts then goes to the living room.

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