Chapter One

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School has ended and Ayano was waiting for Yamada-senpai to come out. She couldn't help but to fall in love with him like it was a craving for her. The way he laughs, the way he looks, the way that he eats, and so on. Everything about him makes her heart race so fast.
"Huh?!" she said. "I don't remember giving anyone my email or phone number." Ayano with an anxious expression as she picked up her cell phone. It was a text message from another person.
Ayano opened the message.
???: Hey.
Ayano looked at the message. "This person is suspicious or they got the wrong number." The phone chimed again with a new message.
???: You may be wondering, but this is a deal I want to make with you...
???: Ayano...
Now this is getting creepy, she thought. She had no choice but to text back to this mysterious person. Before she hit send, she had many thoughts in her head. She didn't get her crush's number, nor anyone else and she didn't give anyone in her school her phone number except for her parents.
Ayano: Do I know you?
She waited for the answer on this stranger.
???: I saw you stalking that upperclassman today in school.
Ayano: Any problem with that?
???: No...
???: I wanted to give you some information about that girl with him.
???: Her name is Osana Najimi...
???: she has a crush on him and believes the myth about the cherry tree behind the school.
Now this sparked Ayano's interest. "Osana Najimi? Now she sounds interesting to do something with her.", she thought. Ayano started typing.

Ayano: You mean that if you confess your love to a person under the cherry blossom tree on Friday, they would truly accept it?
???: Correct.
???: She's planning to confess to him next Friday.
Ayano: Why are you telling me this?
She felt anxious to see if this is all a prank, but on the other hand, she did feel hatred towards Osana.
???: I would be happy if something BAD happened to Osana-chan.
???: And I think you might be the perfect person to give what she deserves.
Now this person truly spoke her language. "Since Osana likes senpai, then she should be nothing but my enemy", Ayano thought again. She started typing on her touchscreen phone once again.
Ayano: Who exactly are you?
???: I'm the person nicknamed "Info-Chan" at school.
Ayano: I've heard rumors about you. You blackmail girls and sell panty shots to boys. No one knows your real name.
Info-Chan: The rumors are true.
Info-Chan: If you wanted a favor, just send me a panty shot and I'll give you much support as I can.
Info-Chan: If want to get information about anyone in the school, just send a picture of them and I'll give you the information I have.
Ayano: You're disgusting...
Info-Chan: You're a stalker Ayano.
Info-Chan: If you need my help, text me. If you don't care, ignore me.
Info-Chan: You have one week until your precious Senpai belongs to Osana-cha
Info-Chan: I hope you'll make her suffer...
Ayano looked up from her phone and sees a girl with a long orange pigtails waiting for Senpai. "I must eliminate her at all costs..." she muttered as she clenched her fists tight. Senpai came in to Ayano's sight, walking towards the front gate. Towards her rival. She began typing on her touch screen.
Ayano: I'll do it.
Info-Chan: Perfect...
Ayano: What do you want me to do to eliminate her?
Info-Chan: Be creative on that... Kill her, expel her. Anything that could make her suffer.
She closed her phone screen, puts it in her bag, and started walking home. Ayano was so deep into her thoughts that she forgot who is in front or behind her until she bumped into someone. She looked up to see a boy wearing a martial arts headband around his forehead. "Whoops! Sorry!" The boy said apologetically. "No it's my fault. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." she replied. And she started to continue walking home.
"That girl seems cute. I wonder what her name is...", the boy thought.

You're Not My Senpai! (Ayano Aishi X Budo Matsuta){YANDERE SIMULATOR}Where stories live. Discover now