Chapter 5: soon

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Chapter 5

Krist's pov

Awww. My body hurts a lot. Those stupid guys. Good thing that i was able to cover my face. So i only got few bruises in my face but my body hurts like hell. I dont wanna go to class but i need to.

**ring ring***
Ice calling

"Oi krist where are you?"
"Im at here at my dorm. On my way to go to school why?"
"How are you?"
"Im ok. Why?"
"P told us about what happened last night. He thinks that you can't go to class or if you insisted he asked us to pick you up. Since you were beaten badly"
"Oi!! Im ok. I can go to school on my own. Dont worry. And whoever p told you. He is over reacting. I can manage."

That singto. Told them. Why does he have to tell them. He cares too much as if i would forgive him right away. Huh!

---krist drove slowly until he reaches hois department's parking lot. He drives like a snail. Because his body still hurts a lot. He went straight to the canteen since his friends told him that there first subject professor is not available and they were staying at the cafeteria---

"Ai'krist. What happen to you?" Off asked
"Who did this?" Ice asked
"To tell you honestly. I dont think that they were from our school. They could be those kids from the other school that we had an argument before when we were at a bar"
"Tsk. Anyway. You should stay safe. They might try to get you again"

---after talking about the things they need to do. Just in case this happens. They decided to go to their next subject. While walking in the hallway. Krist saw singto and his friends. Immediately the juniors waid at their seniors even if krist does not want to but he owe him his life yesterday---


---fluke raised his right eye brow and was about to shout at krist but singto stops him. Right away---

"You can't even call me p after that. Well anyway. Why did you call me?"
"You got my friends worried when you told them about what happened to me. You shouldnt have told them. You even told them.that.i was beaten badly and i might not go to school. You dont have to brag that you helped me out. You shouldnt have-"
"Look. Nong i didnt tell your friends about it. That's why i just sent a message thru your line. Asking if you can come to school since we have a session later on. I would just like to know if you can go. Since you are acting all tough now. I dont think there would be any problem later. See you at 7. Dont be late"

---singto walks away with his friends and krist was dumbfounded. Who told his friends about his situation. He thought that his senior was caring so much about him. Not that he cared but he was ashamed about what he did. He went straight to his class and asks his friend---

"Whose the Senior who told you about my situation?"
"Oh it was P'earth from the swimming team he saw you last night when he went out of the gym and was about to help you but then he saw P'singto helped you out already"
"Oh so it was not singto?"

---krist is cussing a lot in his head right now. He kept on thinking about what he said. He's not able to get everything that they're professor is saying. Then lunch time came. He just let out a deep sigh---

Siiaaa. I need to get nomyen. Nomyen. I feel so embarassed right now. Siaaaaa!!!!

Singto's POV

There goes the pink milk archer. He looks flustered right now. Siaa he saw me looking at him.i should act as if i didnt see him. I was told to do so. I want to comfort him but i was told not to. Since i can't stand seeing him like that. I just bought lunch and decided to go to our club room.

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