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A daydream can happen at any given time and can often answer the 'what if' question. Granted, it's not always a logical one, but an answer is an answer regardless. What if your crush liked you back? Everyone wonders this, how would you find out? Where would it be? Your mind starts filling in the blanks for you.

You're walking down the hall at school, your arms full of your books and other school supplies. Your pencil is sticking out of your binder and you balance everything on one hand as you itch your head. You spy your crush walking towards you in the opposite direction, and a warm fuzzy feeling enters your heart. The hallway is crowded and you squeeze between two people. Your pencil snags on one of the people's sleeves and your things tumble out of your arms and hit the floor.

Papers fly and you hastily bend down to pick things up. The person you ran into doesn't stop to help, in fact, they snicker before continuing down the hall. Your crush stops though, and begins to help you pick things up. They gather up loose papers, and your binder that had skidded across the floor. People walked around both of you, not bothering to help. That ticked you off, but you didn't exactly mind, your crush was helping you, so it didn't matter as much.

You reached for your pencil at the same time your crush does and your had brush each other's. You glance at each other and your crush smiles a bit. Blushing, you mumble a thank you, and take your things from them. Standing up, you give a slight nod before hurrying to class.

You manage to sit in your seat right before the bell rings. Letting out w breath, you open up your binder to find that a small piece of folded paper. Confused, you open and then read it.

'Please don't freak out or anything, but I know that you like me. I'm only writing this because I've realized that I might like you as well. This may make things awkward, but would you like to hang out sometime?'

You jolt out of your Daydream and turn back to your school work. If only something like that were to happen...

Daydream/Wetdream/Nightmare || Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now