Armageddon House [A Dark!Hetalia Fanfic]

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"Germany! Germany! It's so cool~!" I'm so sorry about this... You'll like me more now, si?

"I still don't see why we're at a World War Two era house, Feliciano..." He's shaking, he's shaking, maybe the location choice wasn't too pleasant for him...? Oh, who am I kidding, he might be dead by the time this is over...

"I'm sure this vacation will be a pleasant experience, Ludwig-san, it was thought up by Feli-kun after all." See? Kiku knows how to keep me uplifted! Even though this is a very, very, very, very indecent lie..

"DU-U-UUDES! This house's paintjob is balls! I say we paint it with my flag!" Even though I only disguise myself with idiocy, I'm sure Al's is so thick it seeps through his very core... He'll be the first one who's head rolls, I suppose.

"You bloody obnoxious git! This house is antique! You shaln't ruin it with your idiocy!" Artie's always been a tad of a prick.

"West! West! INCOMING BIRDSHIT!" There's none of that coming towards him! ..But considering I don't want Ludwig to die or feel bad, I suppose I can't kill off Gil if I don't kill off Luddie..

"Kolkolkolkolkolkol" ...No words.

I still can't believe they're all going to die...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2014 ⏰

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