Chapter Nine

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"Uh huh...uh huh...yes sir, homework is was fine...yes, Ratchet helped me work the it didn't Jazz was why are you asking so many questions?" Jazz chuckled as he was crouched in front of a window of the house, listening to Annabelle converse with her father. The window was open, causing a slight breeze into the kitchen but the young Lennox seemed to appreciate the cool air as it was always hot outside. Shortly after Jazz had brought her to the house, Optimus Prime rolled up to the driveway.

Jazz was surprised the leader would volunteer, which he promised he would if given the chance, however Dino would not arrive until morning so Optimus gladly took the opportunity as a short visit.

Jazz peered around the corner of the house and saw Optimus and Ratchet still talking. Optimus had found out the holoforms weren't complete. Ratchet had never felt so embrassed. But from the look of Optimus's face, he didn't seem to mind too much and began reassuring his friend. Jazz smiled and turned back to where Annabelle put the phone back on the charger.

"So?" He crouched down and grinned.

"He's going to bed." She began to frown. Jazz paused.

"What's with da long face?" He asked tilting his helm slightly. Annabelle slowly looked up to him.

"I couldn't tell Ironhide goodnight...Mommy's going to the store for breakfast groceries." She mumbled, her voice almost breaking. Jazzs spark felt a tug but he pulled a smile back onto his face.

"Ya want meh ta comm 'em?" Jazz questioned cheerfully. Annabelle gasped and looked up to him.

"Can you?"

"Ah sure can lil' lady." He winked and activated his comm. Annabelle went racing through the house to get to Jazz. Jazz chuckled as he waited for Ironhide to ping his comm. He didn't have to wait long.

::What happened!? Where's Annabelle?:: Ironhide demanded, his voice dangerously low.

"Relax, mech. She's just right here," he laughed as she came around the corner. "She missin' yo wishes goodnight."

::Oh.:: Ironhide coughed, trying to cover up his embrassment from assuming.

"Hold on ah moment, Hide." He told him as he reached toward Annabelle. She carefully climbed on. He waited for her to get settled before rasing her to his face. Annabelle smiled. ::Alright.:: he said both into the comm and aloud.

"Goodnight Hidey!" She called. Jazzs radio turned up slowly so she could hear the mechs grumpy tired voice.

"Goodnight, Annabelle. Get some recharge." Ironhide said, his gruffness showing. Annabelle knew he cared and he was just putting up an act as Jazz could hear.

"Okay, Hide!" She squealed and Jazz began to bring Annabelle to her bedroom window.

::Primus, she's in a good mood.:: Ironhide spoke once Jazz redirected the comm back to his processor.

Jazz chuckled softly. ::Ya say dat like it's ah bad thing.::

::It's not.:: Ironhide grumbled. He was quiet for a moment and Jazz thought he may have cut the commlink until he spoke up again. ::It's just surprising. Er...just...just thank you. She seems to...really enjoy having you over.::

Jazz lifted Annabelle to her window and she crawled off his servo, running to get changed. Jazz turned around and crossed his arms. ::Do ah hear ah touch of appreciation? Or jealously?:: Jazz smirked a bit.

::Shut up, Jazz and just take the compliment!:: Ironhide growled. ::And wipe that stupid smirk off your face.::

Jazz only laughed, the smirk never faltering. ::Ya worry too much. She's just fine. No Decepticons showed up.::

::...yet.:: Ironhide muttered but Jazz caught it. Jazz sighed.

::Ya are ah true pessimist. Ya know dat?::

::I don't care what I am. It keeps Annabelle safe. It keeps Lennox and his family safe.:: Ironhide pressed, sounds as if he was frowning deeply.

::Ya wanna hear safe? Ya wanna know she's okay? Optimus is here. Optimus Prime came from the base. If Optimus mighty, Prime can't keep her safe then ah don't know who will. There are three Autobots here, Ironhide. Nothing is goin' ta happen ta her.:: Jazz promised, his accent beginning to fade as he grew more serious. Ironhide didn't respond for a moment. Jazz rubbed his helm and glanced at Annabelle brushing her teeth then back to the woods surrounding the land.

::A-Alright. Just...we're coming back in a few days. I'm trusting you Jazz.::

::Well, ah sure hope so! Shoot, it's been millennia and ya just now trustin' meh? Ya tellin' me dat if-.::

::Jazz!:: Ironhide snapped, seething into the commlink. Jazz only laughed it off again. Hey, the mech was miles away, he couldn't hurt him.

::Primus, Ironhide, chill out.::

::I can't believe we left Annabelle with you.::Ironhide growled, annoyance lacing through his words. Jazz rolled his optics behind his visor.

::Seriously, mech. Calm down. Everythin' is taken care of. If anythin' happens I'll comm-oh slag, what is dat!?:: Jazz suddenly gasped.

::Jazz! What happened!? Is there a Dec-.::


Jazz laughed maniacally to himself. He truly was evil. Sideswipe would have to give back the crown so he could reclaim his title as King of Pranks. Jazz turned around and began tucking in the small child, his chest swelled with pride at his own joke.


The truck jerked forward as the black armored mech sped up. "I'm gonna murder him!"

"Ironhide! If you don't calm down then we'll both end up in a crash!" Sarah shouted, smacking the steering wheel. Ironhide grumbled, the truck lowering a bit as he sunk on his tires. "When will you learn that Jazz is a jokester?" She rolled her eyes as she leaned back in the drivers seat.

"When will he learn that I do not like his jokes!" Ironhide growled, the engine revving louder.

Sarah sighed and rubbed her temples. "It's just for a few more days...just a few more.." she muttered then groaned as she heard police sirens. Ironhide's speed did not waver. Sarah rubbed her face.

"If this officer hands me a ticket then I'm going to murder you before you ever touch Jazz." She hissed.

That time, the speed miraculously lowered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2018 ⏰

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