Chapter 27

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Well.... I was wondering if we could meet up somewhere?

Sure. Where and when?

"What does he want?" Tecna asked me.

"He wants to meet up." I told them.

"Why?" Stella asked me.

"I have no idea." I said trying to thing why.

"Do you think it is because of that one thing he always wanted to tell you?" Helia asked me.

I looked at him and said,

"Maybe. I have given him enough time and everything."

"Okay, who is super confused now?" Stella asked.

All the Winx raised their hands. I laughed and looked to see a text from Riven.

Doesn't matter where. Whenever you get done hanging out with the pixies will be fine.

I looked at my phone. I then looked up to the other Winx. I then asked,

"Are we done hanging out? Because I really want to see what he wants."

"Yeah. Tell him we are done and that you two can meet up. But you are going to have to fill us in later." Bloom said for all the girls.

"Thanks. I will." I said.

I then replied a text to Riven.

White Horse in ten minutes?

Sure. Sounds good.

Okay then. See you there.

I quickly got changed in the bathroom and then got a few things together. I said bye to the girls and Helia. I left to meet up with Riven.

*Helia's POV*

We all watched Musa leave the room. It was quiet for a little bit. But there was a reason for that. Then Stella was the one that broke the silence.

"So what were you guys talking about? Because we know things." Stella said.

I looked at them. I then said,

"I will not betray Musa's trust like that. If you girls don't know I am sorry. But you are going to have to ask her." I told them.

"That's sweet of you Helia. But we know she likes Riven. Also we know Riven likes her back but scared to tell her." Flora told me.

"Then you already know what we were talking about." I said smiling at her. Flora blushed a little bit. She was cute when she blushed.

"Well sadly we don't know everything." Layla said.

"In all do good time." I said to them.

*Riven's POV*

I got to the White Horse early. I got a table on the top so we could have some privacy. I then waited for Musa to show you.

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