The Ad

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A supermarket ad popped up on the TV, exclaiming how low the prices of fruit were. Apples, bananas and oranges starred on the brightly coloured ad. A woman walked onto the screen and said the motto, "Only at the stale food people stores," just before a short catchy tune took over the sound on the TV. The ad was for the one and only Moolmorthes. They had great, fresh produce there yet they called themselves the 'stale food people'. I reckon that if they called themselves the 'fresh food people', they would probably have a lot of stale or bad food though.

I thought back to the ad and wandered over to my small apartment kitchen and looked into the fruit bowl. I was craving an orange since I saw bright, beautiful and juicy ones on the ad. In my fruit bowl I only had lemons and limes. I sighed and sat back down on my couch to watch more TV.

It was Saturday and I had nothing to do until 9:30 at night. It was currently 12 o'clock so I had plenty of time to do anything, really. I watched the TV with a random show on it for about a half an hour 'til the Moolmorthes ad played again. The same oranges came up again and I decided to go to the shops and buy some damn oranges because I was craving them more now. I walked to my bedroom and through into my bathroom and checked myself in the mirror. My black, long, buttoned shirt was scruffy and my black jeans were well worn and slightly dirty. But it doesn't matter because it's black and you can't see the dirt. That's why most of my wardrobe is black. My hair had become fluffy from me having a shower and not dealing with it. I didn't really care about what I looked like. I was only going to the store to get some oranges and maybe like chocolate or something, but that's it.

I made my way outside of my apartment and headed down the stairs. I walked through the reception and nodded to the young woman working behind the desk. She smiled and nodded back before I walked through the double doors and was no longer able to see her. I strolled into the car park which was almost empty, with everyone actually doing something with their lives. I slid into my car and started the engine. The engine roared to life and I put it into reverse and got out of the car park. As I was driving down to the shops I noticed a shady looking man walking down the street. He was slightly hunched and kept looking around as if someone was looking for him. It almost looked like there was a gun trying to be hidden under his over-sized coat. I found it odd but shrugged it off and continued to the shops.

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