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Aries: Have a sparkle in their eyes whenever they talk about things they are passionate about.

Taurus: Notice the small and intricate details about everyone.

Gemini: Keep others interested in them because their actions and words are always so unpredictable

.Cancer: Want to believe that others to have similar thoughts and feelings as them.

Leo: Walk into a room and own it like no one else ever can or ever will

.Virgo: Always look like they have their life together, even if the weight of the world is crashing down on them.

Libra: Have great conversations with anyone, no matter how similar or different they are from the other person.

Scorpio: Put so much passion in to everything they do, but still underestimate their abilities.

Sagittarius: Refuse to lie about anything and never miss out on an opportunity to show smart they are.

Capricorn: Come across as rude, but are really chill and sweet once you get to know them.

Aquarius: Give great advice because they look at life logically and try not to involve temporary emotions in decision making

.Pisces: Use their face as a clear billboard for their emotions.

*Im getting frustrated because i lost my phone and I PROBABLY JUST LOST MY STREAKS WITH MY FRIENDS ON SNAPCHAT*

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