Chapter Three : The Ripple Effect

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"Wow, Eto I cannot believe you beat Kaiba! He's one of the best duelists around!" Yugi says.

"Yeah. He was a great opponent though. I nearly lost myself." Eto says.

"I will admit Eto that you were a great adversary but your Synchro card threw me off, what exactly is that?" Kaiba asks.

"Its well, hard to explain." Eto says.

A blue and white helicopter comes from the sky and lands behind Kaiba.

"Seto sir, the board meeting is starting soon." One of Kaiba's secretary's say.

"I will want answers when I return." Seto states as he then enters the Kaiba Corp helicopter and floats into the air and then flies off.

"Eto while we're on that topic, what is that card?" Yugi asks.

"You wont believe me Yugi but It actually came along with me from the future." Eto says.

"The future?" Yugi asks in disbelief.

"Yeah. We were going through this time machine testing when it malfunctioned and sent me here, which I believe is an older time of Neo Domino." Eto says.

"Neo Domino?" Yugi says.

"My hometown." Eto explains.

"Yugi, if he is from the future we must try and help send him back." Atem says.

"But Pharaoh, how can we do that? We don't have a time machine of any kind." Yugi responds.

"Maybe if we can use the ancient powers of the Millennium Puzzle." Atem suggests.

"Well if you wanna hear about hard to believe, inside this puzzle here on my necklace, lives an ancient pharaoh of Egypt named Atem. He is like another side of me. He's my best friend." Yugi says.

"Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh huh? That sounds cool!" Eto says with a wide smile.

"How are we supposed to get you home Eto?" Yugi asks.

"I honestly have no idea Yugi." Eto says.

"You said you were working on a time machine?" 

"Yeah, don't ask me why though." Eto scratches his head.

The Millennium Puzzle glows  a bright gold and the pharaoh, Atem, becomes visible to Eto.

"Woah, you weren't kidding Yugi. This pharaoh guy looks exactly like you." Eto looks in awe.

"Wait- Eto you can see Yami?" Yugi asks.

"Yeah, strange though." Eto gazes.

"The Millennium Puzzle reacted to his presence. This is strange Yugi."

"I agree." Yugi says.

A purple ripple opens up in front of the Kaiba Corp doorway with little light glowing.

"What is that?!" Eto reacts and points to the ripple.

Yugi and Atem turn around to see the ripple and an arm coming through it.

"Woah." Yugi slides his duel disk on. Eto activates his duel disk and slides his deck in. 

Two duelists wearing dark blue blazers step from the ripple, equipped with loaded duel disks.

"Target acquired." One says.

"Eto." The other mumbles.

"Who are you?" Yugi asks.

"Not important. We aren't here for you kid. We're here for Eto." The second one says.

"That's not happening." Eto replies.

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