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When is it gonna stop mattering?

The pain,will it ever go away?

Be settled or just stay?

I look back and I realize none of it ever mattered. Does it matter now? It's so stupid. We think something is so important but it's not.

Maybe I'm jealous. Kids don't understand,yet. They still think that 5th grade relationships matter. They care about the middle school scandals and pop singers. I don't have that privilege.

I'm conflicted. Stay or go? I'm always leaving. I don't know where I belong or who I am. I'm so concerned about others feelings. It hurts me more.

I don't want to fucking care.

I want it to stop.

I want to leave.

Never look back.

Leave my stuff behind.

I don't need it.

I want to stay.

I'm the safety of a room that I made mine

With safe people.

I don't want change.

I want change.

I want old memories

I want family.

I want freedom and teenage years.

I don't know what I want.

No time to think

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