Chapter Six

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♥Jenny's POV♥

To get things over with in a jiffy, I decided to drop Casey home after that awkward moment between my brother and my best friend. Being the really innocent and annoying person that she was, she whined and complained before hopping my motorcycle. She gave me the directions to her house which was only two streets down from my place. 

     Before I went on my journey to drop off Casey, I told Ty to stay put. There was no way that I would allow him to leave after what I had just witnessed! He's very close to me; I care about him more than I care about my mother. That's cold, but she's not really 'important' in my life. Sure she feeds me and pays for my schooling; that's all she does.

    After dropping Casey off at her really cozy looking place, I speed towards my house. Being at the speed that could have gotten me into jail, I arrived at my house in no time. Parking my ride in the driveway, I rushed to my front door. There was nothing worse than a girl eager for answers.

     Opening my front door, I almost got a heart attack. 'What the f*ck?!' My brain shouted as I closed the door silently. Tyler and James were having a heated conversation on the couch in the living room. The two of them were in a daze as if they would jump each other any minute now. Knowing my brother, that could possibly happen; and before it did, I needed answers.

     "I'm back guys," I say, announcing my presence and both boys turn towards my direction. James smiles at me and Ty give me this disappointed look. What the sh*t was that about? I haven't done anything wrong!

     "Tyler and I were just talking about... watching a movie?" James states, well more like asked. I raised an eyebrow at the two guys and I knew for sure they were not talking about watching a damning movie! Why talk about it when you could just search through the selections you have?

     "If that's the case, Ty, why don't you help me prepare some popcorn in the kitchen, now," I say, smiling innocently at my dear bestie. My smile might have passed as 'okay' but my voice failed to remain calm on a whole new level.

     Being the obedient fellow that he was, he obliges and follows me into the kitchen. Entering through the kitchen's swing doors, I grab a packet of popcorn. Sticking to the purpose, I shoved it into the microwave and then put in the time. Done with my preparations, I ask, "Could you please take that bowl on the top shelf please?"

     Ty, being rather tall just reached up and took the bowl and then handed it to me. He still gave me this confused look and I knew what he was thinking. I bet he was tingling to ask, 'Why did you drag me here Jenny?'

     "So, okay, what's all this about?" He asks, taking a seat on one of the stools near the island. I let out a bitter laugh and then replied flatly, "I should be asking you that Mr. I-just-stare-at-my-best-friend's-brother-like-a-maniac!"

     "It's been two years since I last saw James, Jen, I was baffled!" He defended, making random movements with his hands. "Sure, that's what it was. I bet you my entire savings deposit that you have hoots for my brother!" I wail, knowing that if I wanted answers from this brick head I needed to be at the upper hand.

     "You're calling me gay Jen? Really? Me? Tyler Steve, most popular guy at school, bangs girls for fun; you're calling him gay!" He says, poking at his chest and then let's out a shaky laugh. I cross my arms across my chest and wait for him to break.

     Resting both hands on the island, he lets out a long breath and then rakes his right hand in his hair. "Sh*t, you have me there Jen. I am in love with your brother... I've been this way since the day before he left. But, I'm not gay, I'm a bisexual. I still like girls." 

     "It's okay big boy," I say, giving him an hug and resting my cheek on his chest, continuing with my statement, "Don't worry, I won't tell him anything. Let's get that movie running before James suspects something."

     "Thanks Jenny, you're the best," He says, kissing me on the cheek. I roll my eyes and then pour the popcorn in the bowl and then walk out of the kitchen with Ty following behind me.

     Moments later, we chose a random movie and then chilled out on the sofa. We were laughing right now due to the way the movie ended. I even managed to smirk at the sight of James sneaking a few glances at Ty. Seating in-between them was a great idea. Ha-ha-ha - cue evil laugh.

     "Good evening Jenny, I'm home!" The sound of my mother's voice stopped all previous laughter. She stopped in her tracks and stared at James in confusion. Not wanting anything to do with the discussion which was bound to come up any time soon, Ty and I gave James a sorry look and then ran up the stairs and straight into my room. 

     The news about my best friend liking guys -well my brother- was enough for me to handle. The 'talk’ between my mother and James would have been too much. I would have defended him if needed to but I was too beat to take on my mom today. Though retreating wasn’t the best thing to do, I still wish James luck.

A/N: Boring chapter, I know >.> But it still has a purpose so do.not.judge. He-he I think James likes Ty too ^.^ We'll just have to see if all this 'same gender' commotion will get to Jenny!


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