A Party for Our Beloved Coach Y/N! |9|

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Gouenji's POV:

Fubuki and surprisingly Midorikawa came along.

We knew that Midorikawa wasn't well but still wasn't he supposed to be here at all because of his condition. As soon as i saw Fubuki I hugged him.

Your POV:

We were at the airport I don't know why but they just dragged me here out of the blue.

"Nee nee, What are we doing here, Hiroto?" I asked my younger brother. "Ah right well were picking up Midorikawa and Fubuki Goumen nee sai Nee-san for not telling earlier." Hiroto apologised, I smiled and patted his head and messed with his hair.

Soon enough that the two love birds (Gouenji and Fubuki ) Finally broke the hug and Hiroto went to Midorikawa and hugged him. I smiled and my phone rang. Makoto nee. I quickly answered. "Moshi moshi Nii-san" I greeted.

"Hai Moshi moshi Y/n I was curious on how the Raimon team is doing on their training?"  Nii-san asked.

I smiled "They're doing alright Nii-san." I said I recalled them winning and losing because of missing players.

"Though they lost it's alright I'm sure that Endou, Kidou, Fudou, and Sakuma didn't mean being away from that time's match." I said. Nii-san laughed.

"Ara, ara Kantoukun Y/N's getting close to Raimon's players."  He said. I blushed...

"-san!!" I yelled at him. "*Ikuso, mina, kantoukun" I heard Hiroto said.

(*Ikuso=Let's go)

I nod and told Nii-san "They're not that bad it's better than Zeus' soccer Team."

I looked at the kids to check if were complete then I caught a glimpse of Gouenji's reaction.

"Is everything alright?" I asked Gouenji.
"You also trained Zeus' soccer team...?" he asked he was almost speechless.

I nod gulping his mouth was left hanging. "Moshi moshi? Y/N?"  Makoto nee asked. "Are you still there?" He asked. "H-hai Nii-san..." I said. "I'll talk to you laterNii-san" I hung up.

Normal POV: (Back at the hotel)

"Come on Mina! Hurry up before Kantoukun gets back!" Endou said. They started to put f/c ribbons and they pulled the cake out of the oven.

"Mina! Cakes done!" Haruna and Aki said,as they pulled the 3 layered chocolate cake out of the kitchen and putting it on the table.

They wowed in amusement.

When everything was set the cake the room was perfect and it looked nice.

"Well done mina!" Endou cheered

(Mina I suggest that you play the song after this scene)

Gouenji's POV:




"Is everything alright?" Coach Y/N asked me."You trained Zeus Junior High..? " I asked in disbelief

"H-Hai why did you ask Gouenji?" She asked me.

"D-Do you know Aphrodite?" i asked Kantoukun. She hesitantly nods.

"The Goddess of Beauty and Love am I  right?" She asked and I nod.

"How about their captain Afuro Terumi?" I asked she looked taken aback a bit. "Yes why?"

Why Am I shuttering?

"Where is he?!"  I yelled loosing my cool.
Her eyes widened. "Ara ara Gouenji kun calm down." Fubuki said.

"Wait now if you know where That AFURO TERUMI IS THEN LEAD ME TO HIM!! I REALLY NEED TO KICK THAT BAS-MMPH?!" Fubuki kissed my lips to make me shut up, and before I  can even finish my sentence.

He Pulled away from he kiss and whispered:

"For now we need to focus on coach's birthday party. Think about other things later."

He said I nod and calmed down.

"Goumen coach." I said she only smiled and patted my head.

"It's alright Shuuya-kun" she said.

Why did I suddenly break down when she mentioned Aphrodi?

Normal POV:

You, Fubuki, Gouenji, Midorikawa and Hiroto was already back from picking up Fubuki and Midorikawa from the airport.

the lights were off everyone held their breaths including Midorikawa, Fubuki, Gouenji, and Hiroto.

When you opened the door you were surprised.

"*Otanjobiomedetogozaimasu Kantoukun!" They cheered,including 4 players who was with you.

(*Otanjobiomedetogozaimasu= Happy Birthday)

"Mina..." You said,they huddled for a group hug. You smiled, Midorikawa secretly left and fetched the F/S/A that you mother gave you.

After releasing in the hug Midorikawa came out with the F/S/A that your mom gave you...

(You can play the song now)

Then Endou started to sing (Just imagine Endou singing the song)

Then they stopped singing, but the song it self was still going but in a low volume.

Then Endou started to speak:

"Y/N Kantoukun Arigatou Gazaimasu for being patient with us, for loving us for being with us, and most especially thank you for being our coach... Guiding us in every step of our dreams and helping us reach and realize our dreams... Arigatou... A million times Coach Y/N L/N..."

Before Endou knew it he was crying.
You felt touched. Endou was crying his heart out.

Then next was Gouenji

"Y/N Kantoukun, as Endou already said he's not just referring to himself but to all of us,we threw this party just for you to show you our gratitude you showed us our unseen dreams you guided us to them, you pushed us to a better future than we thought...We all thank you Coach..."

Gouenji hugged you, you patted his head.

Then next was Fubuki:

"Y/N Kantoukun,

Thank you for the lessons you've thought us...

I might sound like I'm thanking a teacher on Teacher's day but..Y/N Kantoukun your our


our inspiration,

Our pillar of support,

Your our Coach,

more than that your like our older sister even though
your already 19 and some of us is just 15, 14, 16 you acted like the older sister of this team...

You cared for us even though we aren't related in anyways...Y/n Kantoukun... Arigatou... Arigatou GAZAIMASU!" Fubuki yelled the gazaimasu part then they all went crying.

Hugging you thanking you for always being there with them and guiding them.

You cried because you knew that eventually you have to leave them.

"Thank you...Everyone"

Edited: Title, and Misspelled Words, chapter  number

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