No one to help me..

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'... We were headed to the fireworks, Josh, Me and our best mates. There was no alcohol at all. Since i cant drink or even be near it without vomiting. This also made it quite a bit safer for us all. Taylor made a VERY inappropriate joke. Josh bent down and started to kiss me passionately. I kissed back until Taylor and Josh's best friend, Nate screamed at us to go get a room. After that I whispered very quietly in Josh's ear " Wait for midnight and lets see who is talking." We both snicker, and then burst into laughter...'

No one is there for me. I am dark. I live by myself. I work three jobs just to survive on my own, but I am still failing life. Why is my life so cruel. Beatrice went to jail along with her husband. Their kids were already all living on their own so nothing changes there. I am starting to have dark thoughts. Like cutting and self harm, and ways can probably guess. 

I am not this dark naturally, but my life is different now. Everything is different. I wear heavy make up, I am failing school even worse now. I was never an A+ student, but I was at least a C- student.  Now I am lucky to get higher than a D. Which is not good for year 12 is next year, if I dont improve I will not be able to do ATAR. Or AKA australian teriary admission rank. Or the way we get into uni in down under. I need to atleast have an attempt at it, even if I dont get into a good uni, it looks better on a resume if you at least did it. And I need a good job in the future. If i live till the future...

Taylor has just ditched me completely. What a girl jerk. She is a Devil. I hate her now. I have found someone who doesnt look at me like i am a nuclear bomb ready to explode, even though I dont mind that image. Most people dont see my scars, but for those who do, they think that i am cutting, and I am not, Yet...

There is only one person who will actually treat me like a person. His name is Andrew. He is not emo, but he has problems like me. However he never complains, ever. He has black hair, or as he says, very dark brown. He has brown eyes and is tanned, but still a little pale. He is taller than me, just. And is stick thin.

At recess and lunch we hang out. I like his company, it makes me feel wanted. Even though I am not.

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