Noelle - Chapter 4

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Sorry! I know, please don't remind me. Yes, I haven't updated in a while, and my excuse is actually really bad, so yeah. The reason is actually, that I'm not writing on this fan fiction, if I'm not inspired by something, because it will make a huge mistake in the book, and just make the book bad, so yeah.

Sorry for the long break, but here's chapter four!


Jackie ---

"What?" I said, quite annoying at this squealing girl. Her voice is so shrilling, it literally feels like people are make a high pitch voice, it's so annoying.

"Who are you anyway?" I said raising my eyebrow.

"Noelle." She said, in a sing song voice, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Noelle Stone?" I said, my eyes wide.

"Yeah? Your bestie." She squealed, again.

"No, you're wrong there. We have absolutely nothing in common, and the only thing we have had a proper conversation about, was in health class, about the questions." I said.

"Oh." She said, but quickly laughed afterwards, confusing building up in my body.



"Enjoy." She said, and after that, the beep tone.

She hung up.

Groaning, I laid my phone on the sink, the beige towel sliding down my skin, jumping back into my shower, this Noelle girl interrupted.


"Jackie" my mother shouted, surprisingly I sprang out of my bed, and ran down the hallway, meeting my mother and fathers body.

Their faces matching, because of the huge grin.

"What?" I laughed, smiling a bit.

"Come darling, we're going to visit your new school." She said, still grinning at me.

My smile faded.


Oh yeah.

Hours and hours of tutored people watching the teacher - or substitute.

"Jackie." A far voice said.

I was still standing in the hallway, a few meters back, my bedrooms door stands wide open. But the voice weren't from there.

"Jackie." Again, the voice.

I leaned forwards my gaze focusing on our front door. My parents standing beside one another, waiting patiently for me to be present, and follow them.

I crack a - fake - smile, nodding my head before walking towards our door.

Sometimes i felt like I was supposed to be following my parents everywhere they go, and they actually make me follow them.

They always smile, showing off their teeth, there once were toothpaste wide, but now having an obvious coffee stain.

I opened the door to the backseat jumping in.

"Security, young lady." My father said, keeping an eye on me in the rear- view mirror.

Groaning I buckled my seatbelt, not struggling with it like I used to.

When I was around six, maybe even seven, years old, my parents always had to buckle my seatbelt, because I couldn't, probably because of my tiny fingers, and when I say tiny, I'm serious, the longest finger - also known as the middle finger - that finger of mine, is like two or three and a half inch long.

My dad raced out of the garage, backing out of the driveway.

The motor was the only thing you actually could hear, everything else, was dead silent. Not even my dad talked, and he was one of this human beings who would just stand up, and talk, without feeling nervous and embarrassed.

I wish I had that kind of confident.

I'm not insecure, like that, but yeah I defiantly think that every single human being, has flaws, and can be extremely nervous about things, because every single one of us, are different in some kind of way.

These flaws, are something that are made to be with you.

Because, nobody is perfect.

The whole entire car ride to the school, was silent, awkwardness blended with the air.

The drive was about seven small minuets, so nothing much. The school was already in my sight, a big building with three color types of bricks. Red, yellow and a wired brownish red, but more on the brown side. The building had two huge wide doors, and a little stair that leaded to these doors.

I heard a door smack closed, my thought disturbed, again by my family members.

I sighed, and jumped out of our car, my parents standing side by side, almost glued together, they always seem so happy when I'm around them, and they always stand beside one another. The one and only time I have seen my parents argue was because of some clothing back at my cousins wedding. I have never heard them argue like that before, and it really seemed like they were just about to kill each other.

But besides that, they always smile bright, but the smile do not always reach their eyes, and even a four year old boy, could tell that thirty percent of my life, they had been smiling fake.

I walk up on the right side of my parents, watching them while they admire my school.

It looks fine so far?

We soon after that made our way inside, the building much bigger on the inside. Blue lockers hanging on every single wall, with this weird colored wallpaper. The wallpaper well matched the floor, it was slightly yellow marble floor, while the walls were white with hints of yellow.

The longer we went inside, the more big it seemed. Almost every single way you turned, there would be a stair.

The school looked nice, now my only question is; how is the people here?

The way back home was silent, but my parents spoke a few word then and there. My gaze was looking out of the window, watching things glide by easily, removing out my sight. Not a lot of people were outside today, probably because of the terrible London weather.

It's not like it's cold, but it is cold, when you just moved from a place, there's like 23 degrees already, and then within a second I'm in this country with 11 degrees.

Our car was slowly starting to slow down the speed, my eyebrow furrowing together, because we were in the middle of nothing. But it was just my dad, because after that, it was at the high speed again.

A group of boys came in sight, a few cameras following behind. A big bold guy walked in front of these boys, I was not quite sure it there was four or five boys, but they must have been something, since cameras follows them.

Three of the boys had brown hair, one had this brownish but more black color of hair, it suited him well.

But this last one, had a dirty blonde one, his face looked strangely familiar, but my mind seriously has been playing games with me, so he's probably nobody I know.

I shook it off, and turned my head to the other window, leaning back in my seat.


A/N: Do you enjoy the story so far? Please leave a comment below with feedback, hate will be deleted.

I would like to apologize, again, for no update, but as told I weren't inspired and it would totally screw my book up, if I rushed things. Plus I have had a lot of homework, and I have been sick, so BARE WITH ME!

I love you, and I'll see you guys in the next update, byeeeee x!

- Caroline <3

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