I couldn't stand the though of him with someone else. It's supposed to be us not them. I don't understand what even happened one day we were happy and the next day his lips were pressed against the lip of another boy. I probably could remember if my mind wasn't constantly fucked by the white powder that ruined my life, but I don't want to stop because if my mind wasn't in the constant haze id remember. I don't want to remember what stupid shit I did to make him leave. It's hard enough that I have to see him on a weekly basis because my family are friends with him. They don't see anything wrong with bringing him over. How could they not see anything wrong!
My eyes wandered to the mirror only to see the mess I have become.
how did I get so dependent on a stupid blonde twink that doesn't even love you.
That stupid blonde twink who I love so much.AN- Josh_Fun21 REMBER WHEN RONDON WAS BROKEN APART? SUFFER. (Ron belongs to Josh_Fun21 Brandon belong to me)
hell is where i dremt of u and woke up alone