Wow. Wow. Wow.

2 1 0

Love isn't a thing to me. No one has shown me the proper meaning of love. I sound like a desperate emo but trust me, university is gonna be freaking hard with no one to snuggle up to, or have a shoulder to cry on. I have once been in a relationship, an abusive one. He used me for his grades and if I didn't follow his orders then..bad news for me eh?
Anyway I just need to get this into my head. Kayla, never fall into a heartless boys heart..

~ Jordan ~

I packed my things, ready to go back home. It's gonna be so hard to leave this place, as it's been my home for 2 years. I finally got my job as a doc but something was missing. I don't have a clue what's missing so I'm kinda lost here. I went to the cafeteria and got my last pizza, I know. It's depressing. One thing I'm gonna miss bout this place is the food, where the pizza could be cheesy, or the muffins really crumbly or if it's just so nice that I can't handle it so I have to get another one 😆.
After I finished my pizza, I went back to my room and talked to Alex, my roommate.
" I'm gonna miss you man. It's really boring without you.. "
" Awh thanks mate. "
" I meant the Xbox... "
I laughed hysterically and got my things to go back home. Cya later Greenfield University, have a great year without me.

~ Kayla ~

I can't believe it. I ruined my brand new designer top. Mom is gonna murder me, like literally.
I carried on peddling through the woods and I could hardly see the road I was meant to go on. I usually could, or is it just because I am way older thank last time I went here so I can only see things close up lol. Finally! I got onto the main road and EEK!!!!!!! " AHHH!!! " I screamed as I nearly got bloody run over by this black BMW. Gosh I bet you it's a 'misunderstanding'. This light brown haired boy galloped out of the car nod came running up to me.
" Are you okay?? I am really sorry.. " I just stared at him with the ' sarcastic ' look.
" Yeah. I'm fine though it sucks that you don't have to go into court now.. "
He stared back at me with the ' what the hell ' look, he obviously don't take jokes...
" Are you being serious or are you joking? "
" Nah I'm joking my name is Kayla, Kayla Whitehall. "
" Thank god you were joking I thought you were a sad emo then. "
* mind *
* real life *

" Hello? Kayla? "
I whizzed back from my mind ' settlement ' and asked him his name.
" Jordan Jones, now to make up for the ' near crash ' I may take you out on a date. Tonight. "
" Hell ------- TO BE CONTINUED

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed my first chapter of Unforgettable. My chapters are quiet small but I will build up each time. Byeeee! 😂😂❤️❤️🦄🦄🐬🐬

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2017 ⏰

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