saved by bummble strike.♥

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As the we heard an explosion noise, Megatron chained both of my servos in the air and rushed outside. It was a while before somebody showed up. "- OVER HERE!" I yelled as loud as I could. Optimus prime showed up. He started to unchain me when he yelled as Megatron wiggled his blade inside his chassis. "- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I yelled as my leader fell to his knees in front of the grey gladiator who had a large smirk on his faceplate. "- she belongs to me and me only prime!" He said as he kicked him aside.

As washer fluid started to run down my faceplate, Megatron went back out holding the lifeless form of the prime by his pede.

That's when bumble strike came in. she freed me. I was glad to see her. She looked extremely troubled. Remembering what happened, I cut her off."- you kno---" "- I know. I know. You did that so you could get the team. You knew Megatron would keep me alive but not you. That's why you acted like that. I know." I said before starting walking towards the exit. She followed me close from behind. At that moment, I knew she had my back and I had hers. I had slightly difficulties to walk due to the previous session but I managed to reached the battlefield. Megatron wasn't there. Only his people where there. A violent fight began with me defending myself as best as I could. Bummble strike went to fight by bumblebee's side. I was loosing badly. Really badly. I got smashed on a wall and was to dizzy to fight back. My tanks where aching a lot which prevented me to fight at my potential but now, I was on my knees. Soundwave, who I once considered a brother held me by my neck cables and sliced me. In the chassis... In the spark chamber. "-THAT'S ENOUGH FOR ALL OF YOU!!!" Megatron yelled with the lifeless body of the prime in his harms, the bridal style and blue optics. Yes, blue optics. He walked towards the battlefield and stopped at my level. I was battling the death but was loosing. Badly. Energon was coming at a fast rate. "-Soundwave, retrieve your bade from my sparkling's spark. He said as the silent mech did so and bowed. I fell on my knees before falling fully on my chassis. Megatron set the lifeless body of the prime near me and stepped back. I snaked my servo until it reached his."- prime... If you can hear this, ... Your brother is home... You can relax and let go... It's over... The war
... It's all over..." I murmured....

A single tear fell from his faceplate without him opening his optics. The grey gladiator had killed his family once and for all.

3rd p.o.v

By a cold snowy day, a grey cold blooded gladiator lost two members of his family. One, as kind as an innocent bird and another still trying to find her way in the war.

This is the story of a sparkling who was raised in the dark.

When stark finely gave birth to me, Megatron was yelling at her for whatever reason he could find...

Let me explain.....

The end

How did you find it? I find it quite sad. Sorry Megatron didn't die but I will make another book where he dies.
Love ya all

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