A Hero

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"Deku, go."

"No! No! I won't leave you!"

Uraraka, Iida and Todoroki pulling Deku back from Katsuki as they try to escape through the room's window.

Villains are coming, too many for them to fight. Shots, claws and cackles of laughter were heard outside of Todoroki's ice wall, temporarily protecting them. The wall was cracking and in a matter of time, the villains will break through.

"Midoriya, we have to leave!" Todoroki-san's voice, muffled by the noise outside, echoing in the empty room.

"Not without Kacchan!"

"Deku-kun, you're injured!!!" Uraraka pulling him back from approaching Katsuki who was standing near the breaking wall, ready to fight.

Deku grits his teeth as he presses his wound on his abdomen. It was painful to the point he needed Iida to help him up. He can't run like this.

"Kacchan! Let's go!!" Deku screaming to Katsuki, his voice urgent and scared. The feeling of dread comes to him as he sees Katsuki's back, the way he's standing there all quiet, not like the usual Kacchan who curses and screams at every opportunity.

Katsuki slowly looks back at Deku. He was sweating too much, panting, but looked almost too calm. Deku almost flinched as Katsuki opened his mouth

"You fucker!!! I doubt you can even fucking walk right now, so I'm buying you time to get everyone the fuck out of here!!!!"

"There's too many of them!! You can't... you'll-!!"

"Just leave, you idiot! You're always like this, even when we were fucking four, Deku!!! Why can't you just go and leave me alone?!!!!"

Izuku isn't stupid. Even if this reminds him of his childhood, even if it's the same words over and over again...Katsuki's face says it all.

Even if he covered it up perfectly with his scowl or hide it with his shitty language. Izuku knows him too well. Katsuki Bakugou was scared. Yet even if he was, he still stands in front of the enemy, standing tall and proud, just like the greatest hero...just like All Might...

Tears well up on Deku. "I can't...I can't lose you, too....All Might...you...I can't lose both...my heroes..."

Katsuki looks away. His voice stern as he converses with the others holding Deku back.

"Uraraka, make the nerd float so he won't be a fucking deadweight right now. Iida, if you see a chance, run like hell with Deku. Half and half, give engine boy a little boost with your quirk."

Uraraka, Iida and Todoroki slowly nodded in agreement.

"You better not fuck up since I'm saving your assess." Katsuki smirks at them, his eyes following them each.

Katsuki and the others already talked about this, this fucked up plan that meant a higher chance to survive. Katsuki volunteered for this, even if he said 'you fuckers go, since you'll just be fucking bringing me down'. Everyone understood his intentions, what he wanted to do the most. Protect Deku.

"Kacchan, please...", Deku pleading one last time, as he felt Uraraka's quirk on him and Iida holding him by the waist, so he won't float away.

Todoroki gives a signal and jumps outside the window, Uraraka followed. Iida, carrying Deku, slowly gets out.

Deku couldn't keep his eyes off of Kacchan's back. He screams and screams his name again and again but Katsuki doesn't listen to him, ignoring the cries of Deku even as it becomes louder and louder.

The ice finally broke down, hundreds of villains swarms in, all eyes on Katsuki.

Iida gets in position to run, holding Deku tight on his shoulder as he squirms and kicks from his hold when he sees Katsuki alone.

No. No. No.


All Might...

Please! Please!

Don't leave me...


Izuku whips his head up as he heard Katsuki's voice. He sees red eyes shiny as tears fall on Katsuki's cheeks, a sad smile on his face as he slowly mouths something under his breath before facing the villains with a battle cry.

And then, it was a blur.

Iida dashes away from room, from the building, from the block. Izuku getting farther away from Kacchan. His explosions getting smaller and smaller from his line of sight.

Uraraka, making her self float and holding on Iida, could only grit her teeth in guilt as he saw Izuku's widened eyes, his open jaw, his tears flowing, his despair and heartbreak on his face and his hand still reaching out for Katsuki.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" A blood-curling scream came over Izuku. He grips his hand that couldn't reach his friend.

Kacchan. Kacchan. Katsukiiiiii!!

His body trembling in anger and in despair. His palms bleeding from his own grip. His head throbbing in immense pain as the last words Katsuki said to him screamed in his mind at full volume, looping eternally as he loses his consciousness from this nightmare.

The words that Izuku could never forget, the words that will haunt him forever.

"You're my hero too, nerd."


A Hero (KatsuDeku)Where stories live. Discover now