Chapter 34

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"Alice...." No. Leave me alone. I want to sleep. "Alice?" Stop.....I want to sleep. "Alice, the movie's over. You can wake up now." My eyes fluttered open as I saw my mom a bit away from me, shaking me awake. The credits were still rolling, so the theater was dark. 

"O-oh.....sorry...." I muttered. She helped me get up and we walked out together. There were a few little girls standing out there, when one who was standing a few feet away pointed at me. 

"Mommy? That's the girl who killed Mike!" I stood still. Well yay. The woman standing in front of her turned to me. 

She eyes me carefully, then walked towards me. "I can't believe that the police are letting a murderer go into a theater with little children in it! You killed a little boy! Feeling proud of yourself, are you? How can you sleep at night, having killed a little boy, eh?" She spat at me. I stood there, my mouth half-open. This woman is accusing me of things I never did. 

"Excuse me, madame, I'm afraid I don't understand. Have you somehow understood that my daughter has killed someone?" My mother asked, trying to stay calm. 

The woman turned to my mom, and pointed her finger at her accusingly. "And I suppose you are this person's mother? How irresponsible can a person be? This.....this thing shouldn't be walking around normal people, it should be placed into a mental asylum, or even better, prison!" She shrieked. 

"I'm sorry. I really think this whole thing is just a huge misunderstanding. My daughter isn't a killer. She might have nearly been a victim, but I assure you that she would never kill someone." My mother reasoned. 

"A victim? I should be laughing now. How would she have been a victim if she is standing there, right in front of me?" She argued. I wasn't feeling good about this. I hate it when people act like I'm not here. Like I'm just someone who is supposed to be standing there and piping down. I didn't stay quiet.

"Didn't you hear her? She said nearly a victim! Oh, excuse me. I should be feeling sorry about you. I've heard dim wit leads to bad hearing." I said, not even regretting what I'd said. 

"Alice....." my mother warned, but the woman looked outraged.

"How dare you? I swear, I will contact the authorities." 

"Trying to sound smart won't help your situation. Just say you'll call the police. They won't do anything, anyway." I said calmly, then took my mother by the hand and walked out of the movie theater. 

"You shouldn't have said that, Alice!" She scolded, more astonished than angry. 

"I had every right to, mom. She was accusing me of murder. What was I supposed to do?" I asked her.

"Just waited it out! You can't live a successful adult life if you get angry about it at once." I stopped, and looked her straight in the eye. 

"My adult life might be ruined already. I have these scars, and I can't exactly pay for a scar removal. I am not wasting over a thousand dollars on this. No way. And I'm not an adult yet. If things continue like this, I don't even know if I'll live to be an adult!" I put my hand over my mouth when I realized what had slipped out. I shouldn't have said that. 

My mom gasped, and flung her arms around me. "Alice, you are not going to die early. You will live a happy and fulfilled life. I hope you will live a great life." 

I hugged her back when she whispered something that wasn't meant for my ears. "Better than your father's." 

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