Zoey immediately recognized the voice and opened door quickly. A man with a large double barrel shotgun came barging in as he shut the door behind him in a hurry. The Bilgewater police force talked angrily outside, unknowing where the man was or could be. This man was a runaway!
He turned around and froze, holding his cigar in one hand and unable to speak, stared at the man before him.
" Am... Am I interuptin' somethin'? " He asked.
Zoey shook her head. " Not a' all! "
But what surprised the Captain the most is when she went over and hugged him! Who was this guy anyways?! Her boyfriend?!
" Gangplank.. " The man said, still in complete and utter shock.
" I can't believe it! "
" Well ah course ye can't, neither did I! " Zoey responded, sitting back down and put her arm back around his shoulder. He looked down at her, even more confused.
" Aww, so yer finally gettin' a boyfriend, aye kiddo?! " The man grinned. That cleared up at least one of Gangplank's questions.
" Learn any new tricks since I last seen ya?! "
" Not since ya taught me. " She replied. That answered another. He was her... teacher? This wasn't exactly clear.
" Well ya do remember me, don't ya Captain?! " He asked, gesturing to himself. Gangplank looked back at Zoey then at the man before him, puzzled.
" He los' his memory.. " Zoey interrupted. " Hit a rock er somethin'. "
The man nodded and extended a hand towards the Captain. " Malcolm. " he said with a grin.
Gangplank hesitantly took his hand and shook it, still unsure about this man's whereabouts.
" So... yer, some kinda... criminal? " Gangplank finally chimed in.
Malcolm nodded.

" Let's just let my buddy explain. "

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