Who's Your Daddy?

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"Stop bouncing so much; you're hurting me!' I demand in discomfort as the man's shoulder digs into my abdomen.

"Sir, yes Sir!" he says with a snarky upturn of a smirk and starts to walk softer; easing the bounce in his step.

I bite my tongue at his response but don't say anything; surprised at how easily he complied.

A minute of silence passes as he steadily hauls me to the truck; like the predator with it's ripe prey.

"So, Viddía; How much do you weigh?

-It feels like there's a hefty feather on my shoulder." He asks with a plain voice then ends it with a childish giggle; attempting to make conversation.

A second of thought passes, as we get closer to the truck, before I focus on his black leather belt and say, "Don't you know it's rude to ask a lady of her weight?..." I say in rhetoric, denying his attempt at a light conversation; as light as it could possibly be, given the horrid situation.

"... And how do you know my name?" My once cocky tone, having been wasted on him, completely shifts to match my own inquiry as he continues to indulge in a laugh at my expense.

"Who said you were a lady?..." He cracks a witty come-back at me, clearly avoiding my question.

"... Answer me." I state in stubborn dominance, noticing his absence of response; uninterested in his failed attempt at a joke.

He stops in place just a few feet from the truck.

"And just who do you think you're talking to?" his smile fades quickly along with the fleeting echo of his laugh.

"Just answer my question, monster; you owe me that much!" I blurt out over the minor discomfort still floating around my stomach.

"I owe you nothing!" he growls into the open clearing, becoming irritated.

"-And I am no monster!" he continues.

"Then please; enlighten me!- Explain to me where I come into play, in your 'pure act of innocence'!?

I mean for God's sake, you have me draped over your shoulder like some kind of fox-fur throw.

-And your ass has been two inches from my face for the past 5 minutes!" I yell at his back; abandoning my once conceived plan of compliance.

"Oh then by all means, feel free to write a letter of complaint! -Then once you're done, you can put it in my back pocket while you're down there!

And don't play dumb, Viddía, -It's not attractive." He snorts in revel; feeding my rising frustration.

"Ugh, well you can kiss my ass while you're up there, And what are you talking about, psychopath!?

The only one being dumb here is you, for kidnapping me!

... Do you even realize what's going to happen to you once you're caught!?

-Or better yet, when my dad gets his hands on you!?

You're the fool here!

I laugh at you, and your idiotic fallacies!" I hiss at him, the feel of malice and adrenaline crawling their way up my spine yet again.

The man then does something I never would have expected.

He starts laughing; a true gut laugh, from deep within him.

He then flips me over his shoulder and gently sets me down onto my feet directly in front of him.

"Laugh now, while you still can, but you just wait!" I sneer at him, not yet done with putting him to shame.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2014 ⏰

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