Part 2

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Morning 8:00 am

You was the one wake up first and your three friend was still asleep, so you deicide to walk toward mark and shake Mark. he woke up and tell him to wake the others and he nod went to wake up Jake and Luke up, you grab your toothbrush, Shampoo, toothpaste and towel to head outside and ask one of the Gallia ask where shower and he point that Direction and you thanks him and he nod.







You made it to the shower room to clean yourself up and took off of your clothes and taking shower and add toothpaste on your toothbrush then brushing your teeth and put a little bit shampoo on your head or hair and around your whole body than washing them off and drink some water but didn't shallow and spit it back out and grab your towels to wipe off some remaining water on you and put on the same clothes you were wearing and head outside and welkin came run toward you and tell you that his squad are heading out for a special mission and ask you do you like to join him and you agreed to go with them special mission.


Me and my friend go with welkin and his squad a special mission and we was the last one behind them to giving them so covering fire behind but I think I should be the on front but oh well


You guy heading towards to deep enemy territory and then one the Gallia medium tank B type 36 went first and ran into minefield then exploded his track and everyone of them are okay.

You guy heading towards to deep enemy territory and then one the Gallia medium tank B type 36 went first and ran into minefield then exploded his track and everyone of them are okay

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Welkin: All tank halt, are you guy okay?

Gallia Crew 1: Yeah we are okay, track busted.

Welkin: Okay, we need to find a way to go around those Minefield?

Y/N: We got this!, Luke lower the mine plow and we gonna ram those land Mine!

Luke: Roger that!

Alicia: Are you guy sure is a safe to drive through your tank in the mine field?

Y/N: We can go through those landmine because we use mine cleaner.

Alicia: What!?

You guy ram into the landmine and it explode from your mine plow and you guy keep driving forward and tell them to follow you guy and the rest of the of them follow you guy and some stay behind to help the other tank crew fix their track.

Wavy: Well impressed about their tank?

Welkin: what do you mean?

Wavy: Well it look better than your tank and his tank have mine plow to clear the minefield for us to go through the imperial army mine field.

Welkin: Guess your right?

You guy just have past through the minefield and heading towards the enemy line and they was ready to attack you guy to wait for you guy to come closer to their trap but was aiming for you guy first. maximilian and his two person on his side female and a male.

Imperial soldier: That the tank lord Maximilian.

Maximilian: That the tank?

Imperial Soldier: Yes sir!

Maximilian: Let test our tank destroyer on him. Selvaria... order the tank to open fire.

Selvaria Bles: Yes my Lord. -she bowed than order the tank to open fire-

There was 20 of them they fire at you guy and welkin scream your name aloud and the smoke was blocking the view of your tank

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There was 20 of them they fire at you guy and welkin scream your name aloud and the smoke was blocking the view of your tank.

Welkin: Y/N!!!

Male Imperial: Well that was easy?

Maximilian: well that was a shame.

close his eyes and stand up they were about to leave then heard imperial soldier shout that your tank is still alive.

Imperial Soldier: It still alive! 

Male Imperial: Woah?

Y/N: Jake put the music on, please and oh Mark turn the mic even louder and put on your guy headset it might get very loud!

Three of them: Ok!

Jake press the music and on your tank and it was very loud to make them hear the music. and they was confused what going to happen.

Play the music

You guy charge forward and fire one of the tank destroyer and destroyed, turn to the other one and fire and destroyed it and now they try to turn their whole body tank try to hit you guy but you guy was to fast and fire again and take one by one of them, and all of the Imperial tank were all destroyed. Gallia army was shock and their jaw was hanging and realizes what just happened.

You guy continued to leave the music on and head forward , Maximilian was impressed your tank and he will try to plan to make a tank that will destroyed your tank once for all.

Maximilian: Jaeger...?

Jaeger: Yes?

Maximilian: tell the men we pulling out...

Jaeger: Yes lord Maximilian.

Jaeger went to tell the soldier to move out they are heading back and Maximilian turn to see Selvaria was staring at the Gallia force.

Maximilian: Selvaria.

Selvaria Bles: Yes Lord Maximilian?

Maximilian: We heading back now, come on let go.

Selvaria bles was looking at the Gallia force are moving forward but she just staring at Y/n tank but mostly Y/n only and she was confused about his uniform and the weird looking helmet that he wearing, she want to know more about him, she vow will to capture Y/n alive to force him to  tell them about him and his tank.

To be continued 

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