chapter 1

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Son Goku looked up into the brightly lit night as he sat up in a single chair he had brought from downstairs on the roof  of Capsule corp, the soft hum of music and laughter could be heard usually he would have been with the other Z fighters having fun and socializing like he always did, but tonight he just didn't feel it and besides no one had really noticed when he slipped away, 2 hours later and they still haven't noticed. Goku sighed, it really did feel nice to get away from everyone especially his wife Chichi. Although Goku cared deeply for his wife the mother of his two sons he knew that he didn't love her, the constant yelling and negative attitude towards Goku has driven the young saiyan away from her and what ultimately killed their marriage. Don't get him wrong he loved his children and is grateful that she has always provided him with meals and a bed to sleep when he did finally travel home, but the nagging and fighting had gotten so unbearable not even Goku could handle it anymore. It seemed like the only person keeping him sane was... the thought of that others persons name brought a light smile to his face.

"What are you smiling about clown" Goku whipped around caught off guard, he was so into thought he hadn't even sensed someone approach. "Heya Geta" Goku smiled hoping Vegeta would get off what he was smiling about, not a second later a snarl came from the other mans throat "Do not call me by that inferior name baka" Goku only grinned turning back to the sky. Vegeta quickly picked up on the Ki that surrounded his rival usually kakarot's Ki was light and fluffy, but now it seemed heavy clearly the younger man had something on his mind but Vegeta had never been one for conversation that wasn't on the topic of battle. Lately though he had noticed that he often didn't talk about battle around Kakarot, instead they chatted about little things, well Kakarot did most of the chatting but Vegeta found himself beginning to give more than a simple grunt for an answer he started to give a response. "Why aren't you with those morons?" Vegeta asked curiously, it wasn't like the younger saiyan to exclude himself from the others especially from one of Bulma's all you can eat gatherings. A moment passed by before Goku shrugged still looking at the sky, Vegeta's eye twitched at being dismissed so easily this was a one in a lifetime thing he was doing right now and he didn't appreciate being passed over with a simple shrug. Vegeta walked over  so that he was standing next to the still sitting kakarot.  "hey Vegeta?"  "What"   "Are...Would you ever...Want.." Goku trailed off trying to find the right words, "I" The chair Goku was sitting in fell back as he stood turning to face the older man before him Vegeta raised an eyebrow questioning his rivals actions, but decided to stay quiet and see were this was heading. Goku stared into his princes charcoal eyes and couldn't just stop at his eyes, his eyes wandered over plump pink lips, and high check bones it didn't take a genius to figure out that Vegeta was a handsome guy the fact that Vegeta knew he was so handsome made the prince sometimes irresistible. "Kakarot" And just like always he was brought back to reality. "Vegeta I have to confess something to you" More confusion "And it may sound weird but its just something I've always had on my mind, and I think I should finally just tell you" Goku fumbled with his words suddenly feeling like an idiot he mentally kicked himself for being so stupid. "Kakarot!" A light blush began to spread over Goku's face, Vegeta continued obviously agitated "Get on with it already baka" He snarled, alright Goku thought "Vegeta...I think I may have de-developed a-" He took a moment to gaze into his rivals eyes." Developed a craving for sushi!" ..."what" Vegeta was barley able to utter before Kakarot blasted off down to the others leaving Vegeta as confused as ever and even a little disappointed.


Sorry if the story seems rushed more chapters to come with more detail hoped you liked the first chapter and please leave a comment correcting me, this is my first Fanfiction. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2017 ⏰

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