Chapter 16: Settling Down

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(A/N: Time for a chapter that actually focuses on the main pairing, OtoTomo! Maybe.)

"So, so, have you heard?!" Excitedly enough that Yuu could tell, Nao had been daydreaming and openly fangirling over her favourite band, ZHIEND. Noticing that her boyfriend had been watching her, the platinum blonde stopped in one place, raised both her legs on top of the wooden desk. "I've got two tickets here," she started upon showing the papers effortlessly towards the other. "We're going to ZHIEND's concert."

Yuu's face had lit up slightly. "To date?"

Nao's face distorted as if in disgust. She closed both of her eyes, but left one open to peek at her boyfriend. "Huh? Of course, not!" After a few seconds, she revealed both blue hues once again. "We're going to be there for three reasons: the concert of ZHIEND, the vocalist's end of story, and find in that crowd the person with dementia."

"Oh...," muttered Yuu. "Not for a date as well?" Reconfirmed the latter.

Nao, finding how persistent Yuu was being, crossed her arms over her chest. "Alright, let's make it four. We're also going out there to date," said her. "But our main goal would be to look for someone with dementia. And of course," comically, she moved her face closer to her boyfriend's. "ZHIEND's autograph!"

Right... Not the date. Yuu, stop insisting something that doesn't even bother her, he said, comically sad.

"Can I go, nee-chan, nii-chan?" A familiar voice of an orange-haired little girl rang in their ears which allowed Nao to hear Yuu's disappointment earlier--of the date not being the main reason why they'd be going to the concert.

"Shit...! Did Nao hear--"

With such an effortless tone, Yuu had heard a response. "Yeah, I did."

Iori stood in her place, facial expression was in excitement, though she was confused of what was happening, a smile remained carved in her lips whilst patiently waiting for the teen's answer.

Nao walked closer to her, and leveled her height. Shimmering sapphire orbitals looked up at her with a facial expression of assurance. "There will be lots of people there, and we're under an important mission. We don't want to lose you, so we'd like to let you stay in the quarters until we come back. Will that be okay?" Asked her, smiling.

Iori, without a tinge of hesitation, nodded her head in agreement. "Okay! I'll wait for you!"

The female turned to her boyfriend, sending him a signal to proceed.

Yuu then stood, and walked towards the door to leave. He gave Iori a smile first before leaving with his partner.

At the corner of the road they stood. From there, the huge lines of ZHIEND fans came visible, so as the sparkles on Nao's eyes. Due to the excitement, they were unable to dress up for the concert, but there was one thing the platinum blonde had remembered.

"When we first went here, it really appeared like a date, but I thought of it as a normal thing. I even invited you to buy the same strap for our phone accessory, then realised that people would be weirded out if they saw us. So, I figured not doing it anyway," the lass turned towards him as she narrated what had happened before, her lips curving into a sincere smile. "Want to make that matching accessories happen?"

Yuu felt tints of red spread across his face, but made sure it wasn't that visible. Though he could vaguely remember what she was saying, the latter nodded anyhow. They hadn't done anything couple-like ever since he was saved, and today would probably be the best time to start one.

Grabbing his hand, the president headed straight to where some of the aforementioned band's fans were gathering to collect some of their merchandises, lined up, and were eventually able to get their favourite accessory. Both of them bought the same, but exchanged each other's for added feels.

"There!" Said her, heaving the phone to emphasise and make sure they had the same thing displayed. She halted that demeanour of hers, placed her phone back in her pocket, then her hands rested on her waist. "Well, then! Let's get down to business!"

Whilst they made their way to the seat number provided on their tickets, Yuu and Nao had as well scanned the place to see if there was someone capable of wielding dementia.

Right before the concert would start, Nao's phone began vibrating. "...?"

From: Kumagami

The wielder of dementia is located at the Hoshi no Umi school grounds.

"Well, then!" Said Nao upon inserting her phone back in her pocket. Yuu, who also had happened to be peeking at the female's screen, removed his gazes away from it and shifted it to the platinum blonde. "Let's enjoy the concert while we're here!" Added the lass as they headed for the reserved seats as indicated in their tickets.

"What about the ability user?" Yuu questioned, maroon eyes blinking twice.

"They are already on it," assured Nao whilst her eyes were pinned at the stage.

Being too focused on a lot of things happening lately, even Yuu was unaware of the plan. All he knew was that they were to look for the wielder, not that there was someone else assigned on the same part.

He was to voice out what he actually had running in mind, but it was put to an abrupt stop when a squeaking sound from the microphone on stage had caught his attention, as well as the people around him.

Sala Shane, the vocalist of ZHIEND, had finally shown herself.

Massive cheering of their fans and viewers had echoed around the place, only to settle down with the aforementioned vocalist's statement of appreciation. As the people toned down, she continued making her opening speech.

Nao's eyes glimmered at the sight, her idol almost within her reach; she still hadn't given up on making a documentary about her favourite band.

Yuu, on the other hand, enjoyed the view, and only had found himself smiling.

"I would also like to inform you...," a smile carved itself on her lips, eyes darting around first before proceeding. "I had my visions back."

The crowd expressed their amazement.

"And I'll be closing the band, and settle down," she turned to the backstage, and motioned for someone to come closer.

It revealed a man with a brown-yellowish hair, his wheelchair was never to be found anywhere. His once dull, hollow expression with lidded hues had been changed with a normal, rather expressive but happy one, making his face brighten.

Nao stood from her place, eyes widened in surprise, mouth minimally open as if to say something though was she unsure what kind to tell them.

Same motion Yuu did, eyes landed onto the stage before glancing it back to his girlfriend.

Stood beside Sala Shane was Kazuki Tomori, Nao's brother.

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