In a Minute

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      My goal for seminary this year is to write down quotes that I like from the scripures that we read. Because I make quote books for my personal progress projects, I thought, why not make a book of BoM quotes too? The reason I'm posting the quotes here is because I feel more motivated to do things when I'm doing it for someone else, so I'm doing this for you

     But first I thought I would share a BoM rap that I learned in my first year of girls camp, written by a wonderful woman named Sister Stalings. (Didn't want to post her name online but also wanted to give her credit <3)

Lehi teaches prophesy

People hate him, has to leave

Back twice for plates and wife

Travel, murmer, tree of life

Liahona, broken bow

To the promised land they go

Sons rebel, family fights

Nephites and the Lamanites

Olive tree, Enos prays

King Ben's tower, much to say

Evil Noah, Abinadi burns

Alma listens, hearts are turned

Alma Junior learns his lesson

Three day coma, sins confession

Mosiah's sons can't be harmed

Ammon chops off lots of arms

Anti-Lehi-Nephites driven

Bury weapons, sins forgiven

Evil Kingsmen, combinations

Amalikiah, warring nations

Moroni angered, rents his clothes

Title of Liberty, up it goes

Mom's of striplings do not cry


Samuel, wall, arrows fly

Of Christ's Birth he prophesied

Day and night and day of sun

Birth of the Holy One

Gadianton robbers rise

Gathered Nephites all survive

Nations fall, and divide

Earthquakes, fire, wicked die

Mist of Darkness, waiting done

"This is my beloved son"

Generations come and go

Righteousness is all they know

Records to an eight year old

Mormon gathered plates of gold

Brother of Jared, boats need sight

Holy finger, rocks give light

Truth will come to all who pray

Nephites see their final day

WORD! (of God)

     Isn't that just the best? I couldn't not share it, it's so dang cool. I hope you like it as well

<3 Elizabeth

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