They don't fit me
They don't feel right
Why is this part of my life?
Why do I want to be buff
Why why can't I be a girl
I feel as if I'm someone else
My dearest body
You have shamed me
You have forgot to be what I need
This isn't me
I am a man at heart
A boy in my soul
A male in my bones.
A girl on my skin.
This is not me
This is not who I am
I shutter to say these faithful,
true words
I scares me
It excites me
I will no longer be what I was born
I will be who I am
Mom and dad
Sorry for making you sad
I am your son dad
I am not a waste
I am not delisional
I am not confused.
I am
So if you choose to loose your son
It'll be you that comes undone.

Thanks for reading! Please please leave thoughts, suggestions, or things you'd like me to write about. Love ya!!

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