My sad li'll depressed alter ego

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How difficult is it to smile, they ask.
Just turn your frown upside down they say.
People won't talk to loners they croak.
You'll push them away, they'll be scared of you , they warn.                      Do they know how difficult it is to smile , to even stretch the muscles of your cheeks ? How much effort to takes to keep a poker face , just so the people won't breathe down my neck , forcing me to fake a smile so that I can be socially acceptable ?
Do they know , how much faking a smile hurts ? Not just the physical pain that comes from straining the low used muscles but also the void that sucks on my thoughts and forms a dull pain in my chest ?
Do they know ?
Do they want to know ?
Do they care ?

// that I read it out loud , it sounds all kinds of depressing and shit but I swear I am happy person . A happy happy person who was going through a very bad phase and now that I look back I kind of think those reasons were very miniscule but writing it down whatever I felt , helped. It helped a lot .
So, if anyone comes across this cringe worthy sad excuse of a poem and would still like to know , get to know me , I'd be really happy :D
Cheers ✌️ //

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2017 ⏰

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