As the Crows fly

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Slowly, ever so slowly, the car pulled away till the shop was a speck in the distance and the jail steamed towards u. At that moment, I regretted everything, from listening to the voices in my head, to taking that blasted piece of jewellery. As I sat there trying to wipe the never-ending flow of blood off my hands, I thought back to how this night had begun, and ended, so badly...

Accompanied by a murder of crows, I stood stone-like on the roof ledge overlooking the city, the darkness of the moonless night was amplified by the lights of the city below, as they were sparkling like a million diamonds plastered over a vast emptiness. I was on the prowl, looking though every shop and apartment window determined to find what I so desperately needed. I wasn't sure what I was looking for but I knew I would recognise it when I found it.

Window, after window I crept by, slinking, slithering, soundlessly as a snake waiting for the right moment to strike. When there in the jewelry shop across the old brick road, sitting like a star, shining on a cushion made of blood red felt. It was just waiting to be taken. A bracelet of black, silver, and ruby, gleaming in the street light, calling out to me.

"Take it," the voice in my head whispered. "Take it. You know you want to.".

'No, no I only take what won't be missed. I'm better than that.' I remember arguing back.

'But you do, remember all things you have taken, the car, the rings, money, and clothes and all the others. Saying that they won't be missed, come on you stole a car, that is surely going to be missed. And now you want to ignore the crowning jewel to your collection?'

'It is awfully pretty, and would look nice around my wrist.'

'So, then take it. You know you want to.'

'Your right, I do need. Better I have then a wealthy snob, that won't appreciate it.' So, slipping in through the window, around the alarms and pass the security, to my prize, the ruby shining like blood, I place it on my wrist, my crowning jewel.

I made my leave. When suddenly I hear the whispers, some old and raspy, while another high pitched and young sounding.

'Take me' they called, 'take me you know you want to.'

'You don't have the guts' an old ornate oak grandfather clock rasped. 'You couldn't take us even if you wanted to, you're just a coward, too afraid of your own skin.'

I could hear the old voice echo in my head repeatedly. 'I am not a coward' I tried to counter the voice. 'prove it, prove it, PROVE IT!' the voice chanted. "I WILL" I screamed.

And so, I did. Glass cabinets smashed and shattered, as I tore around like a cyclone, breaking and taking everything in my path. Necklaces, brackets, earrings and anything else I could get my hands on. I was so enslaved with proving the voices in my head wrong, that I didn't realize till it was too late and tripped the alarm.

"RING! RING! RING!" the windows and doors were sealed, trapping me in a steel cage. No escape possible, the sirens of the police sounding in the distance. I fumbled over broken glass tripping, landing on my hands and knees, the glass slicing thru my skin like a sword thru paper. Blood spilled out, the red staining the white carpet below.

There was no hope. A crow sat on the street lamp outside, the one creature, I once called friend mocking me. With the sirens growing louder and louder like the wailing of a dying cat, I knew, at that moment, my life was over, and who would remember me, a lonely little girl with voices in her head.

When the door burst open, three police man stormed the place, like bats out of hell.

"Put your hands up!" one of them screamed, Sargent M. Duff, I think his badge read. Slowly I raised my bloody, beaten hands, and stood not caring about the glass shards cutting my weighed feet, as I was hand cuffed and thrown into the back of the cop car. The only thing I see is the glint of the bracelet, it's blood ruby eye, staring at me from the felt cushion. Slowly ever so slowly the car pulled away till the shop was a speck in the distance and the jail steaming to towards us. It was, now, that I regretted ever listening to the voices in my head.

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