Chapter Six

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"So," Robert said as he came up to the table, setting his tray down and taking a seat. "You guys heard about next Saturday?" Jon and I were the only ones sitting at the table so far. I shook my head, looking to my right at Jon, and saw his face break out into an all-knowing smirk.

"Hell yeah I did!" He exclaimed, smacking the table for emphasis. Rob let out a hoot and bit into his ham and cheese sandwich.

"What's Saturday?" I asked casually, popping a nacho cheese flavored Dorito chip into my mouth.

Jon looked at me, excitement sparking in his eyes at the chance of telling me about whatever it was. Judging from his expression, he thought it was some pretty good shit, too. "Party at Robinson's house." He said simply, reclining lazily in his chair after spilling the news. He was referring to Michael Robinson, a casual friend of ours who just happened to own a big-ass expensive house.

"No fucking way, bro." I said incredulously, shaking my head, a smirk sliding onto my own face. "How'd he manage that?" Michael may have had a big-ass house, but that house came from his rich-ass parents who were extremely strict.

Rob chose that moment to cut in. "They'll be out of town for the weekend, so Mike figured it was about time for some action around here."

"You can't miss it, Trey," Jon continued, "Beer, music, and the perfect opportunity to grab some ass, too! What else could you possibly need?"

"Here, here." Rob chimed in, jovially lifting his soda can into the air in a mock-cheers gesture before taking a gulp of Dr. Pepper.

"And we all know how inactive your sex life's been lately," Jon said with a wink, his eyes traveling across the room.

My gaze followed his and landed on Melody, sitting at her table, talking. We were facing each other, I noticed, and I just watched her for a second. Her face was lit up and her eyes were crinkled at the edges as she smiled, nodding her head at whatever one of her friends was saying. She started laughing then, her eyes closing and her head falling back for a moment. Then she wiped at her eyes and finished, the smile still lingering, and just as she opened her mouth to talk to her friends again she looked up and her eyes met mine.

I made a slight inclination of my head to one side, curious about her conversation, and she just shrugged her shoulders as if to say, It doesn't really matter. Her devious smile said otherwise, but I just smirked at her.

I turned back around just in time to catch the last bit of what the guys were talking about. "-definitely would. She's smoking hot, too." Jon was saying, nodding his head in approval. He turned toward me. "What do you think, Trey?"

I blinked once, a deer caught in the headlights. "Who're we talking about here?"

"Kristina Goldstein, the hottest girl in the senior class." Rob supplied.

"Exactly." Jon said. "Now the question is, would you tap that, given the opportunity, at Mike's party?"

I pictured Kristina, the bodacious blonde with a perfect hourglass figure and generous proportions, thinking about the sexy sway of her hips when she walked, her fearless flirting, and her full, glossed red lips. Jon was right; if she was anything, Kristina Goldstein was hot, no doubt about that.

But then I thought about her shallowness and self-obsession, her downright cruel way of dealing with people she didn't like, and her denseness.

Would I tap that?

Once upon a time, without any thought needed, I would have said yes before batting an eyelash. Now I was actually processing the question, mulling over all of the details of it. Now I had someone to compare Kristina to-someone who, though perhaps not quite as busty or curvaceous or even as seductive as she was, was a fairly good adversary. I'd never given the girl much thought in that respect, not really, but now I was actually considering it under the circumstances. Melody wasn't actually that bad looking; quite the opposite actually.

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