Hetalia meets the Host Club (Redo)

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This is a redo of "Hetalia meets the host club" I somehow accidentally deleted my original one. For those who want me to continue redoing this fanfiction just comment.


It was a normal day for the nations as their world meeting commenced. They attempted to discuss the world affairs that concern the various nations. But as always, the nations came into "minor" arguments due to disagreements on any topics. This included global warming or ways to improve the education of children. Germany was beginning to get agitated and irritated as the childish nations argued.

Germany finally snapped and shouted, "EVERYONE SHUT UP!!!"

The nations turned their attention to Germany and was silent. Germany looked around pretty pleased.

"Danke everyone, so who here has been given an invitation to join this school program?" Germany asked.

The nordics, the allies, the axis, taiwan, vietnam, hong kong, korea, the baltics, belgium, liechtenstein, Hungary, Belarus, Ukraine, Switzerland, Netherlands, Spain, Romano, and finally Prussia rose their hands. Germany looked around and took note of the hands that were raised.

"Ok, those who are not apart of the program can leave early" Germany announced.

Soon the other nations left the conference room to go meet their bosses. After they left the meeting about the program had begun.

"So we will be attending a school to observe the youth at their schools to see if their education is superior" Germany explained.

"We also must use human names so that our identities are safe" Germany continued.

The nations nodded in agreement.

"So the only thing we have to do now is to decide what school we are going to attend" Germany said.

Everyone immediately looked at Japan making him nervous.

"W-What? One of my schools" Japan stuttered.

"Well your schools are the most interesting" England said.

"Yeah, you're always telling me how fancy your schools are" America exclaimed.

Japan sighed and said, "Alright, we will go to my fanciest school, Ouran High school"

Time Skip~ Brought to you by Majestic Budder

The nations have already arrived at Japan's house and got ready for the first day of school. The nations were so excited as they stood in front of the school. But when they looked at the school building the only word they could think of was "Pink". When they walked in the interior was beautiful and had furniture that is usually in mansions. The nations made their way the office to get their schedules. Germany cleared his throat, getting the lady at the front desk's attention.

"Oh hello, how may I help you?" She said with a smile.

"Ah yes, we are the new exchange students" Germany said.

"So you all want your schedules now, am I right?" The lady said.

The nations nodded making the lady give them their schedules. After the nations looked over their schedules they parted ways in two groups and wished each other good luck. The group was split in half, the allies, hong kong, korea, Belarus, the baltics, belgium, Netherlands, Ukraine and Romano were in one group while The nordics, the axis, Taiwan, Vietnam, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Hungary, Prussia, and Spain.

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