Next Chapter Teaser!!

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~Next Time On Hetalia Meets The Host Club~

"Renge!" Honey shouted kicking three intruders in the face. Mori was on the other side of him punching two others in the face. Renge had just screamed in fear as an intruder saw her hiding behind a trash can while waiting for the hall to be safe. The intruder grabbed Renge and put a knife to her throat. Warm tears flowed from Renge's eyes as she sobbed in fear. "Put your hands behind your head and kneel to the ground or else I'll slit your friend's neck" The intruder said glaring at Honey and Mori. The two looked at Renge fearfully before doing what they were told. But the intruder did not move an inch. "Please don't hurt me!!" Renge sobbed.

Hikaru and Kaoru were shielding Haruhi as three intruders pointed their guns at the three, while backing them in a corner. "If you two know any better you'd let us teach this boy a lesson about respect. We promised everyone that they wouldn't get hurt as long as they were cooperating" One of the intruders growled. Hikaru and Kaoru slightly flinched but stood their ground. "No way! We will never let you touch our Haruhi!!" The two shouted in sync. "G-Guys" Haruhi stuttered in fear.

"Kyoya? What's wrong?" Tamaki asked. Kyoya was silent as he stared at the nations. "There's something about these "exchanges". I just know it" Kyoya mumbled. Tamaki tilted his head in confusion. 

The group of nations are surrounded by many intruders who were all pointing their guns at the nations. "You all can either kneel to the ground and throw your weapons aside or you can get shot. Your choice" The leader of the whole intruder army said smirking evilly as he pointed his gun at Germany. There was a silence as everyone stared at Germany waiting for an answer. "Never" Germany simply said. "Wrong answer" The leader said. Italy was quick and noticed a sniper hiding in a vent. When he followed to where hee was aiming he figured out it was Germany. As soon as everyone heard the sniper cock his gun Italy immediately ran from the middle of the group to Germany. "Germany!! Look Out!!!" Italy shouted. Italy had pushed Germany out of the way just as the sniper shot. Everyone was shocked. The cowardly italian fell to the floor as blood gushed out of his body. Germany, Romano, Hungary, and Spain rushed to Italy's side. "You Idiot! What were you doing!!" Romano shouted. Italy said nothing to Romano but smiled. "I-I s-saved Germany" Was the last thing Italy said before going limp. Everyone was silent. But then the whole army of robbers began to laugh. "Have you learnt your lesson? This is what happens when you defy me!" The leader cackled. "Germany, Italy is dead. What should we do?" Hungary cried cradling Italy's body while crying.  "I will....."Germany mumbled quivering in anger. All of the nations all turned to Germany. "Hm? What was that? I couldn't hear you" The leader chuckled. Germany stood up and made a face that none of the nations ever saw, a face filled with pure anger. "I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU!!!!" Germany shouted at the top of his lungs. He glared at all of the intruders furiously. "Not if we kill you first!" The leader shouted making all of the intruders ready their guns. "Then I'll just have to drag all of you to hell with me" Germany said with a sick grin as his eyes flickered to a poisonous purple.


Here's the teaser for the next and final chapter! I know it sad for this fanfic to come to an end but unfortunately I can't keep up. But I will promise you that this final chapter will be really long and really cool! My goal is over 2000 words! Wish me luck and I'll see you guys next time!


"It is our time to return" an evil voice giggled. "Oh pooey! That means I'll get my clothes all dirty! Oh well! the cupcakes will be worth it" Another voice said in a playful tone. "I'll finally be able to pound some pricks in the face with my bat" Another voice chuckled darkly.

"When the 2p!s return from the darkness"

Me- "Oh Dear!"

One more thing, a few of the nations may go a bit crazy when all of the negative emotions make them go 2p! so you may look forward to this chapter a lot more.

"I know we will.....hehehehe"

O.o Me- "Help!"

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