Thankyou :)

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Hi All.

I'm alive haha... ha.

I kind of edited this story, by kind of, I mean I deleted a few chapters. I thought it was too cringy and It was taking me forever to finish it.

I'm sorry for that, but a book needs to end somehow... Shit that sounded pretty depressing. So yeah my doods... You have finished this story.

Also, I will not make anymore promises about updating. I've done that and It doesn't work out no matter how much I try. But this will not be my last story. I just won't be writing anymore gorillaz fanfics or x readers. And I'm sorry.


Other than that, Thank you all for your support and patience with me. I hope you've enjoyed this book :) <3

Have a good one.

- Shane

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2017 ⏰

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