Masters of the Shadows

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"Uh, Come on, one more slash... done! Now I'll show everyone I'm the best blacksmith there is" Kai said joyfully. Kai dreamed that he would be a great blacksmith when he grew up just like his dad. He didn't want to dissapoint him.Kai lived in Ninjago City, a city known for the existence of the creator. Everyone in Ninjago City was in peace. Little did they know that evil would rise, buy Ninja would as well.

"Um, why is the sky getting dark, it's still morning?" Mia, Kai's sister questioned. Skeletons were terrorizing the city!

"Ha ha ha! Were back boys, find the map of the golden weapons" The enemy made out of bones shouted. Kai was very anxious to test his new sword on these skeletons but he should have thought differently.

"Great, perfect time to test my sword, Hu!" Kai exclaimed

A skeleton approached Kai and screamed, "ha, who's gonna save you know"

Kai was toast, he could not move at all and a sword was at the very top of his nose. Could this be the end?

"Ninja Go!" An old guy with a long white beard yelled.

Kai was speechless, he saw a series of twists and turns and hits so fast he didn't have time to blink!

"So they let you go from the spirit world" The old guy playfully informed

"Ha Ja!" the old man screamed

"A-A-A, your spinjitzu is a little rusty" The skeleton exclaimed

"Samukai, I have the map lets go!" one of the skeletons shrieked

Samukai then caused a tower to fall on Kai, and the old guy, luckily the old guy saved him. But Kai's sister was in danger.

"Mia" Kai cryed

"Bye-Bye!" the skeletons laughed

"Great, they took my sister" Kai complained

"Old Guy how are we going to get my sister back"

"I have a name you know, Sensei Wu"

"Well, Thankyou for saving me but how am I going to save my sister"

"Right now you are no where near the level to rescue your sister, that is why this happened, you are the chosen one to become the last ninja!"

"Look, Sensei Wu, I don't know this Nina thing but I don't want to be part of it"

"Fine, suit yourself, then I guess you'll die when looking for your sister"

"I don't need you!"

Kai, ran to the same way the skeletons went. As he got deeper and deeper the sky got darker and darker. Out of the blue he stumbles on a branch. When he lifts his head up he whispers in his mind,  "This is not good!"

Masters of the ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now