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Nathans POV

'Fucking snow its so damn cold, fuck!!' I think to myself hugging myself as I enter the coffee shop.

I go to find a seat  when I bump into an absolutely stunning girl her chocolate brown hair flowing down her back, a cute white beanie that says 'sassy' a top head. She's so short though I find it cute. Then I notice her eyes and I'm just in complete awe. They are the most stunning color of green I've ever seen in my entire life. Mine are just a dull shade of blue, nothing special to them.

I extend my hand out to help her up but she doesn't seem to pay attention so I clear my throat and ask

"Aren't you going to take my hand?"

I chuckle as she jumps slightly then puts her hand up for me to grab. I pull her a little to quickly so she grabs my hoody tightly her small hands clinging to the soft fabric  that keeps me warm. The girl steps back brushing herself off and fixing her cap.

"I'm so sorry. Let me buy you some coffee to make up for it." I suggest.

"That sounds nice, but I don't drink coffee. I usually get hot coco." she said, the sound of her voice makes my heart happy.

"I'm Nathan." I flash her a smile, but then she looks down

"I'm Emily." she smiles.

Feeling confused I tilt her head up with my finger.

"Don't look at the ground. Your to perfect to not show your face." I smile, but she looks annoyed.

I brush it off, but she then grabs her bag and a weird pole thing rushing out the door tapping the pole on the ground. I then realize she must be blind. I walk after her turning her around,

"Emily you didnt tell me you were blind." I say in shock.

"Well you don't just meet someone and say 'oh hey I'm blind'." she says in a sassy tone.

The snow falling on her lip making her shiver just makes me want to kiss her.

'No Nathan stop you just met her' I then understand why her hat says sassy.

She then goes on ranting about what its like to be blind.

"Well maybe I can help you see the world in a different way." I tell her which obviously makes her happy.

But soon she has to go, making me sad. I then start walking home the opposite way. 

           Nathans POV (still)

I finnaly made it to my house. It's nice, simple and average, but still cozy. My grandma works a night job so I see her mainly during the day after school. I've lived with her since a couple weeks after I was born. My mom was addicted to cocaine and meth so when I was born I was addicted to it as well. It was born into my system. I've never met my dad but I guess thats alright. The court found her unfit to raise a child so I was sent to my grandmother. I'm currently 17 so I've been with her for a long time now . I work on fixing old houses, it pays decent and it keeps food on the table. Since we own the house so we pay no rent. Honestly I think my grandmother works just to have something to do other than knit adorable sweaters, that I have no problem wearing because they make her smile.

Later on after I get home I toss on an old T-shirt and a pair of shorts. I then walk downstairs to start cooking dinner. My grandmother starts to help me, laughing I put music on and start dancing with her because its one of her favorite things to do. I dont mind because she taught me to dance and I'm the only one she has in this world who pays attention and shows her love. We sit down and eat dinner talking about our day.

"Well Nathan how did your day go?" My grandma asks me.

"Well Nana, I met an interesting person today." I reply smiling wide.

"Interesting how?" She stops eating for a second.

"Well her name is Emily. She's short and has chocolate brown hair and the most amazing green eyes I've ever seen, but thats the trick of it. She's blind Nana" I tell her with such delight in my voice just talking about this amazing girl.

"Ooh your grandpa was blind as hell. Couldn't ever see a damned thing." Nana laughs.

"But oh did I love that old man. He was my best friend and my complete world." she added.

"That's so mushy Nana but its still very touching." I eat some more of my noodles.

"But Nathan you were my second most amazing gift. When your momma gave birth to you I was so delighted, even more when you were brought to live with me." she tears up a bit but wipes her eyes.

Getting up to take her plate to the sink when she passes by she hugs me tightly, but manages to slip a peice of ice down my shirt. Laughing loudly as I cry out from how cold it is,

"NANA!!" I laugh tossing the ice at her, but she moves out of the way quick enough.

"You oughta go to bed now. Ya got school tomorrow." my Nana tells me.

I look up at her confused,

"Nana we have church in the morning. Tomorrow is Sunday." I tell her.

"It is? Oh damn I forgot. I'm just so frazzled today." Nana says drying her hands then walking upstairs to her room not saying another word.

I find this awkward so I go dress for bed anyways climbing onto my snuggly mattress drifting off to sleep.

Hey guys I hope you liked this its Nathans POV so its a change and you get to see his perspective of life <3

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